Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Be ready spirit warrior

z"Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit. Be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast, so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks."(Luke 12:35-36)
We don't know when our Master will return, but if our hearts aren't ready, dressed in readiness, we'll miss Him. Many in the church aren't spending more than a moment with Him each day. That's not good. Jesus can come at any moment and if our relationship isn't hot, we'll miss Him.
Oh some may say, "I've heard this before and He hasn't come. There's plenty of time."
No one knows the time of our Master's return, but we need to be prepared at any moment. He should find us waiting at the door welcoming Him to come in.
Things will get tough at times and we might find ourselves walking along a distant path from our Lord, but like the prodical son, Jesus is willing to welcome us back, if we will repent of our sins. He's very kind, the most faithful person we'll ever know.
Some people don't want to leave their sin behind and move forward with Him. Sin, however, is croaching at the door. We have a choice. We can either open the door to our King, or open the door to the forces of evil. There is no in-between.
So be ready to meet the King. Be ready whatever the season. Don't let these holidays be the only time you go to church or open the family Bible. Being ready, means we love to read the Word, to pray, and to be in the gathering of the brethern.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Presence of the Lord - A spirit warrior's call

"Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word." (Luke 10:38-39)
Seated at the Master's feet. I love getting up in the early part of the morning and sitting in front of the fire, with a cup of coffee and reading the Word of God - the Bible. I experience a deep love that the Lord pours out into me, His joy. Every spirit warrior who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior needs to be at the Master's feet feeding on His Word. It is our life. Mary chose to be at the Master's feet while Martha, although well intentioned, chose to be busy.
Don't be too busy doing the things of the ministry without spending time at the Master's feet. God will redeem all the time you take before Him. Our lives will be greatly enriched by the Lord as we give our time to Him.
It is at those times that I fall deeply in love with Him.
Now I'm not going to write this and tell you, "I've got it all together, because I don't. I'm still working out my salvation in Jesus Christ one day at a time, but that decision to be before Him is so critical. We are weak, but He is strong and He will give us His armor and His protection in our fight against the evil one.
"But Martha was distracted..." Luke 10:40
The devil's goal in our lives is to distract us from the Almighty's presence. Then he will bring trouble, trials, or temptation to pull us off the path of righteousness. But if we seek Him first and His rightiousness, all else shall be added onto us.
That's why Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the the good part. Think about it spirit warrior. If you are doing something big and great for the Lord and not spending time with Him, it's almost that we are doing these good things on our own, without Him. Believe me, it's much better when He's in charge and directing us. Our success is in Him. Without Him, we can do nothing.
So take the time each day to be with Him and you will grow like a mighty Oak of Righteousness

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jesus Christ - Our warrior King

When I was younger, I turned the other cheek alot. I tried to avoid conflict and whenever I engaged, I usually ended up in the swamp calling people names or slandering them.
Since I've gotten older, I've engaged in more conflict. There are times when you have to say what's right and what's wrong. There are times when you have to stand up for the truth. However there are other times when turning the other cheek is the only way. The difference, I've seen, is when it affects someone else, you need to stand up and fight. When it's about you and won't amount to much, let it go. Let the Divine Warrior King take up your fight. Pray for those who persecute you.
"Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me. Take hold of buckler and shield and rise up for my help. Draw also the spear and the battleaxe to meet those who pursue me." (Psalms 35:1-3)
This great battle we've entered by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior doesn't come without reinforcements. Jesus, Himself, will take up the battle for our cause, but our greatest battle isn't the world out there, but our flesh. Our flesh will cause us to miss the mark in many ways. Our emotions, our lusts, out selfishness is what will cause us to miss the mark. But in the real battle, when we are pursued for doing good, Jesus Himself will take up His invincible weapons to defeat the enemy.
Determine where the real battle is taking place. Is it in the spirit realm or the flesh realm? In the spirit, the battle is the Lord's. In the flesh, we have to temper our emotions.
How do we win that battle? Reading the Word and being washed in it, praying every day and fasting will center our lives on the Lord. Ultimately our prayers filled with the Word of God and our faith become our weapons of righteousness. With humble spirits, we pray for the Warrior King to deliver us from our enemies and in the process bless them who are fighting against us.
Is this impossible? You bet it is! Only with the Lord can we achieve the greatness of God in our lives, just as His Son did when He walked the face of this world and was crucified for doing good. Amazing!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spirit warriors stay the course!

Life is not easy, especially if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. God is constantly refining us in His fire so that we can be a vessel for Him to use. To do that He must burn the dross out of our lives, and that's not fun.
Often times we find ourselves challenged by life's situations. But it's in our best interest to stay the course. To walk in faith, trusting that God Almighty is right near us, encouraging us to complete the course and to help others.
All of us want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
All of us have sinned and fall short, but its in those moments of falling that God picks us up, time and time again. We are disobedient to the Holy Spirit as He encourages us to take the high road and yet, He never abandons us. His kindness, grace, and most certainly mercy pull us up from the muck and the mire of our lives.
Don't look at your neighbor and see what he has. Don't look on someone else's life and wish you were them. You really don't know what they are going through. You don't know the trials they face.
Just know this, all of us face trials for God's glory to shine through us. We can't live this life without Him, but there will be a price for us. We have to stay the course, just like Jesus did. Look at the suffering He endured.
Our trials are miniscule in comparison. His sacrifice was total and complete, but we will taste of that suffering in our lives especially if we are living our lives for Christ.
"Blessed are you when men revile you and say all kinds of evil about you for my sake. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven for they persecuted the prophets who came before you." (Matthew 5:11)
I will tell you, its easier to read this scripture than to live it, but live it we must, so that we can see the glory of God in our lives, both here on earth and beyond. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is the world better because you have lived, spirit warrior?

This one comes from the deepest reservoir of my heart. Each day we face new challenges, but have we blessed the lives of those around around us? Do our lives enrich them because we have walked the face of this earth? Oh spirit warrior don't miss this! Too many times we have summed up our lives, by what we have, by what we've learned, by our position or stature. That's not the life of a spirit warrior.
Have you ever examined your heart to see who you have helped without any ulterior motive? Look at the Great Spirit Warrior, Jesus. He went around doing good; healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding many. Did He do it for prestige? Did He do it for possessions? Did He do it to prove His superiority over others? No!
Are we walking in His footsteps? Are we actively putting the cares and concerns, the dreams of our brothers and sisters ahead of us? Jesus did, all the time. He talked about the life of the servant several times. He said when you go to a banquet, don't sit at the head of table. Humble yourself. Don't expect people to honor you, honor them, serve them. Give of yourselves selflessly. Sow the seeds of kindness in the lives of others and watch what happens to your life. That's living in the kingdom of God for His purpose. That's the Seeds of Greatness that He planted in all of us, for His purpose.
Proverbs says, "What is desired in a man is his kindness." 2 Peter 1:5-7 encapsulates our Christian walk, "Now for this very reason also applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love."
The ultimate walk of a spirit warrior is kindness. We think its love, but too often we get twisted around the expression of love. Kindness is defined in
Webster's dictionary as: "Having or manifesting a nature that is gentle, considerate, and inclined to benevolent or beneficial actions. Kind and kindly, often interchangeable, both suggest gentleness, humaneness, and a sympathetic interest in the welfare of others."
There's the key - the welfare of others, not ourselves. That's what delights God's heart. When we place someone else's problems above our own troubles, we are walking as a spirit warrior for Christ. We are walking in His footsteps, following His example.
Often times in life, people dwell on their own problems with little resolution. But if we pour our lives into the lives of others, our problems don't seem as big. Jesus didn't go around murmuring and complaining that He had problems. He came that we might have life, and have life more abundently. He didn't come for Himself and that's what we need to focus on. It's not about you, it's about what you can do for others. President Kennedy said, "It's not what this nation can do for you, but what you can do for this nation."
That spirit warrior, is the cry of the Holy Spirit, the Supreme gentleman! Life is not what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for others. May the God bless you richly as you read this post and change your life and your thinking forever!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A spirit warrior's walk - obeying the statues of the Lord

"I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statues, and you will be careful to observe my ordances." (Ezekiel 36:27)
We have a distinct advantage in walking in the ways of the Lord if we have the Holy Spirit within us. If you have Jesus in your heart, you have the Holy Spirit too. How else can we filter out the ways of the world that get thrown at us 24/7, not to mention the desire of our flesh?
"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)
How awesome it is to be connected with the God of Creation and His limitless loving heart. If more people resonated in the loving heart of God, we would live in a world filled with God's beauty. Forgiveness and humility would be everyone's #1 priority. People would rush to serve each other, deferring to one another because the greater one, would be a servant of all. Look at the life of Jesus. Before He endured Calvary, he washed the disciples feet. What a powerful statement!
When was the last time you washed someone else's feet? When was the last time you served another? Giving of yourself should be a constant affair. None of us are perfect, except Jesus, so at times we get tired of serving. Tired of taking abuse and forgiving, but we've got to continue, we've got to endure. Why? That's what Jesus did and God is removing the dross from our lives through the trials we endure.
When we take ourselves out of the equation and keep our heads down, it's much easier. Our lives become more peaceful. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be the best that God made us to be, I'm saying be the best is a servant.
With His heart and His Spirit within us, is the only way we can accomplish His will.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Abiding in the vine - a spirit warrior's life

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me." (John 15:4)
Do you really want to do something awesome, creative, and meaningful for your life? You've got to be abiding in Jesus. He is the vine. He is the provider. He is the giver of the best thoughts. Those thoughts come into our mind and when we act on them, magnificient events will occur. Just be sure to give Him the praise, the honor and all the glory. That's usually a tough part and that's when the enemy comes in to sow the seeds of failure for the next event.
Abiding in the vine, is there any other way to live spirit warrior? We can do nothing on our own. Put it this way, we can't do the supernatural and that's what separates us from the world. The world operates on cause and effect. Spirit warriors operate in the supernatural, if they are abiding in the vine. The lame walk and the blind see, if we are abiding in the vine. "Ask Me anything and I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
Now some may say, "Hey wait a minute. What about those who are making millions and cheating and stealing and killing people? What about the drug lords?"
Listen, they have no peace. They have no friends, they have no joy. They may have shinny new things, but it doesn't last and they're going to hell for all eternity where the fires are unquenchable.
Not you spirit warrior. Your rewards are stored in eternity and you shall eat the fruit of your quiet labor then, not now. I know. I've been directed by God to do some incredible things and my reward awaits me in the next life. I've always wondered about Hebrews 11, how the triumphs of faith didn't receive their reward here on earth. It's waiting for them in eternity. Don't expect the reward here on earth, let God be God. He knows when you need what He has for you. He created you, not the other way around.
One great reward we can abide in is joy. It's new every morning. Let's be honest, there's not enough joy in this world and we can sure use more. That's a huge reward here on earth. Jesus promises His joy in us if we abide in Him.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kindness - a spirit warrior's greatest weapon

"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of the Lord that leads you to repentence."(Romans 2:9)
Too many times I see in the world around us, the mark of the beast. People are abusing, taking advantage, hurting, and killing other people. Jesus came that we might have life, and life more abundently. So as a spirit warrior of the Most High God, we have to show kindness to one another.
"What is desirable in a man is his kindness." (Proverbs 19:22)
If people are ever going to see Jesus in this fallen world, it is going to be through our kindness. Our kindness, those selfless, unnamed acts for others, are the mark of a true spirit warrior. Many times people have been beaten up by words and actions, so that someone can get an advantage. That's the world's way. It is contrary to the world, to help your brother or sister. The world says take advantage of them.
When the people came out to be baptized by John the Baptist, they asked what should we do now? He said be fair and honest to those around you. Don't mistreat someone. Doesn't it feel good when someone blesses you? As a spirit warrior we know that the blessing is not in receiving, but in giving. Giving something that an individual might not have, if you didn't give of yourself.
Try it sometime. Bless someone out of the clear blue. Treat them to lunch, buy their groceries at the supermarket, drive your car not wanting to be the first in line. Do unto others as you want them to do onto you.
"But You are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." (Nehemiah 9:17)
Slow to anger. Too many times are flesh calls out to be justified. We don't control our anger. We vent because it needs to come out or we will get some cancer. I don't believe that! That's contrary to the Word of God. If we are kind, we will forgive people their mistakes and help them to a better life in Christ. But they must see that through our lives, our testimony. That's a spirit warrior's walk! That's what this life is all about - serving others and not ourselves

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Refreshment for the spirit warrior - Psalms

Often times I'll begin my Bible reading in Psalms. The trials of this world can be overcoming at times and yet we must hang on. "Having done everything to stand, therefore stand firm." (Ephesians 6:13)
How do we stand when the pressures of life are overwhelming us? How do we stand firm in the face of adversity, of which we have no control?
I go to the Psalms. I need to hear of the lovingkindness of the Lord. His grace and mercy sustain me and lift me up on the wings of eagles. I was reading in Psalms 46:4 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling place of the Most High."
I don't know why, but that scripture ministers to me. I love the beauty of God filling me up with His river of joy. Although I'm not perfect, He dwells in me. He lifts me up and He inhabits the praises of His people.
So the book of Psalms lifts me up. Light comes into my life, dispelling the darkness, no matter the circumstances. Even though the car overheated, Even though the bills never cease, God is in the midst of all my crisis and yours as well. Take heart, spirit warrior, and invest your time in the book of Psalms. Praise Him. Psalms will lift you up and set you on high and you can deal with the worries and troubles of life through God's eyes. Psalms will bind the kings of darkness with fetters of iron.
I read Psalms 48 as well this morning and again was ministered to. "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, In the city of our God, His holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion in the far north, the city of the Great King."
We are that city, set on a lofty perch, but too often, we look at the wind and waves of life, taking our eyes off Jesus. There is only one way. There is only one Savior. His name is Jesus and He paid the price for our sins, that we may be set on high. He is our stronghold. He is our tower of strength and we run to Him, to His lovingkindness whenever we need to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

To enjoy the journey, spirit warrior, follow the vision in your heart.

Today is an extraordinary day. I'm submitting a proposal for my new book, OPERATION BLACKBEARD and the first 57 pages. One month ago, this book didn't exist. Now its a robust entity taken out of nothing. But it is God's creation, not mine, and may He receive the glory for His leading in my life.
It is a book God has given me to write and He is directing it. Many times through the first 56 pages God has brought me help through people, to write the book that He wants. It is amazing. Before I write, I sit and read the Bible. I want to be in communion with Him before I begin. The first time He inspired my heart, he gave me the first 6 chapters, but then he sent me reports from Africa, people who had books I should read and ideas for my characters.
I'm a finisher and want to complete the work, so the journey isn't always joyfull for me. But this has been very different and I feel the Holy Spirit inspiring me inspite of life's problems. More importantly and because of His presence, I feel confident and I'm enjoying the journey for probably the first time in my life.
When I put on stage plays, it was always hard, and the payoff was a large crowd and a great performance by the cast. But I didn't enjoy the journey. It was tough and risky and cost time and money.
Now I will wait for 6-8 weeks for an answer. Normally this would be a tough time, but I've got other work to do editing COLORS OF THE NIGHT.
God has orchastrated this sequence of events, so that I can succeed. God is in charge of our lives and He's bringing all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
So don't despair when the goings get tough. God is at work in you, spirit warrior. He is molding and crafting you. I can see it in my life and I'm most thankful to Him for the journey.