Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Power of Prayer!

Often times Jesus went into the mountains by Himself to pray. We are to follow His example and be prayer warriors for our families, our church, our community, and our nation. That's why I'm hosting Ramona's Evening of Prayer. It is a very important event in the lives of our community. I encourage anyone who is coming to pray to fast. My church is fasting this week. Fasting breaks down the strongholds and is good for your body.
Praying to God can be a wonderful time in our lives. The Heavenly Father delights when His children come to Him to pray and spend time with HIM.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Spirit Warriors, Rise Up!

Now more than ever we need to man our battle stations. The enemy is trying to take a generation of youth to hell for all eternity, but we can intercede. We can make a difference. You may think that you are small and insignifigant in this world, but in the spiritual dimension when you are linked with Jesus Christ, you can do great things. I'm just bold enough to think that every time we pray, God sends more angels into the fight against the forces of darkness to overcome the attack of the enemy.
And don't underestimate Satan. He has power, but Jesus Christ has defeated him 2,000 years ago and its through Him that we have the victory.
On September 3rd from 6-9PM we will be praying for our youth and for our nation. I hope you can join us at Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, California for this blessed event!