Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Servant Warriors
"Whoever would be first among you, shall be your servant." (Matthew 20:27)
Jesus served His entire life, punctuating a lifetime of service by receiving a horrific beating and crucifixion by the very people He came to save. A servant doesn't take into a wrong suffered. A servant looks to good in others and doesn't dwell on the imperfections. Look at Jesus again. All the apostles abandoned Him at the cross, but the Great Servant didn't abandon them. He continued up Calvary to the end.
How many times have you served someone else, only to be abandoned during your time of need?
Last night Mike Mulligan came to my house after work and gave two hours of his expertise to help me. I needed help from Skip Banach for the "Evening of Prayer" and he readily gave it. I needed help from my son, Terance and readily he gave it. My wife, Adelaide, woke up just after midnight and began praying for "An Evening of Prayer." She's also fasting this week.
Peter Marshall wrote, "The measure of life is not in its duration, but its donation."
All the people above are servants of the Most High God. They are pushing back the darkness in their lives and in the lives of others, but their selfless acts of service. Warriors of the spirit, must first be willing to serve one another. No greater love has this, that a man lay down his life for another, over and over and over. Too often we think of the war movie where the man jumps on a hand grendade to save his squad and that's commendable. But think of the walk of love, when we turn the other cheek 7 times 70 each day. That's a true warrior of the spirit. And its not easy. My hope is that this column and my life inspires people to serve one another, just as Christ served us every day of His life and then carried His cross to Golgotha. That's the true definition of a Spirit Warrior.
Jesus served His entire life, punctuating a lifetime of service by receiving a horrific beating and crucifixion by the very people He came to save. A servant doesn't take into a wrong suffered. A servant looks to good in others and doesn't dwell on the imperfections. Look at Jesus again. All the apostles abandoned Him at the cross, but the Great Servant didn't abandon them. He continued up Calvary to the end.
How many times have you served someone else, only to be abandoned during your time of need?
Last night Mike Mulligan came to my house after work and gave two hours of his expertise to help me. I needed help from Skip Banach for the "Evening of Prayer" and he readily gave it. I needed help from my son, Terance and readily he gave it. My wife, Adelaide, woke up just after midnight and began praying for "An Evening of Prayer." She's also fasting this week.
Peter Marshall wrote, "The measure of life is not in its duration, but its donation."
All the people above are servants of the Most High God. They are pushing back the darkness in their lives and in the lives of others, but their selfless acts of service. Warriors of the spirit, must first be willing to serve one another. No greater love has this, that a man lay down his life for another, over and over and over. Too often we think of the war movie where the man jumps on a hand grendade to save his squad and that's commendable. But think of the walk of love, when we turn the other cheek 7 times 70 each day. That's a true warrior of the spirit. And its not easy. My hope is that this column and my life inspires people to serve one another, just as Christ served us every day of His life and then carried His cross to Golgotha. That's the true definition of a Spirit Warrior.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Endurance of a Warrior
"Count it joy my brethern when you encounter various trials for the testing of your faith builds endurance, and let endurance have its perfect reward, so that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4 NAS)
I'm getting a real dose of trials this week. The devil is throwing everything at me now that we're hosting "An Evening of Prayer for Ramona." on Saturday, Sept. 4th. I thought about trials this weekend and why we have to go through them. But before I started wondering about them, I considered the trials of other people. People in Afganistan who are being marytered for their faith. People in Israel who are being bombed in their homes without notice. Children in Africa who see their parents raped and killed before their very eyes. Horrific by simple comparison. I look at my trials and they pale in comparison. I am blessed and must rely on the Lord to see me through, but I don't have it that tough. Others have it much tougher. I need to take my eyes off myself and look at others and then consider, what are am I doing to help them?
After you examine some of the conditions that people around the globe are subject to, then you can look at your trials and consider what God is doing to you through them.
He's building His endtime army and He wants us holy and pure. He's getting the dross out of us. Examine your heart. Confess your sin and lift up your eyes. It's not about you, its about His kingdom. Shadrach, Mechach and Abindago didn't know if God would deliver them. They saw the soldiers die as they were thrown into the fire. The book of Hebrews tells of many who didn't see the promises. Again, keep your eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm. He will deliver you. He won't leave you. He'll be in the midst of the fire with His Purpose and His blessing for you. Hang on with all you've got. Endure the storms of life and when you come out of them, you'll be a better person, able to serve the Lord and others with a greater sense of humility. Endure the trials so that you can be perfect and complete lacking in nothing!
I'm getting a real dose of trials this week. The devil is throwing everything at me now that we're hosting "An Evening of Prayer for Ramona." on Saturday, Sept. 4th. I thought about trials this weekend and why we have to go through them. But before I started wondering about them, I considered the trials of other people. People in Afganistan who are being marytered for their faith. People in Israel who are being bombed in their homes without notice. Children in Africa who see their parents raped and killed before their very eyes. Horrific by simple comparison. I look at my trials and they pale in comparison. I am blessed and must rely on the Lord to see me through, but I don't have it that tough. Others have it much tougher. I need to take my eyes off myself and look at others and then consider, what are am I doing to help them?
After you examine some of the conditions that people around the globe are subject to, then you can look at your trials and consider what God is doing to you through them.
He's building His endtime army and He wants us holy and pure. He's getting the dross out of us. Examine your heart. Confess your sin and lift up your eyes. It's not about you, its about His kingdom. Shadrach, Mechach and Abindago didn't know if God would deliver them. They saw the soldiers die as they were thrown into the fire. The book of Hebrews tells of many who didn't see the promises. Again, keep your eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm. He will deliver you. He won't leave you. He'll be in the midst of the fire with His Purpose and His blessing for you. Hang on with all you've got. Endure the storms of life and when you come out of them, you'll be a better person, able to serve the Lord and others with a greater sense of humility. Endure the trials so that you can be perfect and complete lacking in nothing!
Friday, August 27, 2010
SPIRIT WARRIORS - ARISE! We need to take back the land. Some of the church has fallen asleep in their times of prayer and fasting. The Body of Christ - the Spirit Warriors of today - need to arise and enter into battle. Sometimes that means we won't get a full night's sleep. That's okay. God will see us through the day. We are the tabernacles of God, so when we pray, things happen in the spirit realm. We are co-laborers with Christ. Part of our co-laboring is praying and fasting. I can't say enough at how powerful the two are. During World War II, Hitler was making all the right moves. He ran over Europe and was planning to attack England. The King of England declared a time of prayer and fasting. Hitler reconsidered his move against England and instead turned his armies toward Russia.
In the 1500's the greatest navy in the world, the Spanish Armada, set sail from Spain intent on attacking England. The King declared a time of fasting and praying. A huge storm developed out at sea and the fleet was destroyed. They never reached England.
We are in the midst of a huge storm as Jesus gets ready to return. We need to be fasting and praying for our nation and especially our youth. Our prayers enable God to move in the realm of the spirit. He stands waiting to hear our prayers and to move forward. We need to take authority over satan and the armies of darkness in the Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and with the blood of Jesus.
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We were created in the image and likeness of God and God spoke things into existance, so our spoken prayers have great power. Don't ever doubt that. Satan would want you to think that you are insignificant, powerless, but we're not. We have the Kingdom of God within us, if Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
Let's move forward in the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim healing into our land. Don't forget next Saturday, Sept. 4th we're having an "Evening of Prayer for Ramona" at Ramona Oaks Park in California. My hope is that Body of Christ turns out and joins together to set the captives free.
God bless you - Coach Pete
In the 1500's the greatest navy in the world, the Spanish Armada, set sail from Spain intent on attacking England. The King declared a time of fasting and praying. A huge storm developed out at sea and the fleet was destroyed. They never reached England.
We are in the midst of a huge storm as Jesus gets ready to return. We need to be fasting and praying for our nation and especially our youth. Our prayers enable God to move in the realm of the spirit. He stands waiting to hear our prayers and to move forward. We need to take authority over satan and the armies of darkness in the Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and with the blood of Jesus.
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We were created in the image and likeness of God and God spoke things into existance, so our spoken prayers have great power. Don't ever doubt that. Satan would want you to think that you are insignificant, powerless, but we're not. We have the Kingdom of God within us, if Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
Let's move forward in the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim healing into our land. Don't forget next Saturday, Sept. 4th we're having an "Evening of Prayer for Ramona" at Ramona Oaks Park in California. My hope is that Body of Christ turns out and joins together to set the captives free.
God bless you - Coach Pete
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Life's A Quest - not a Journey
What's life all about? Why do we face difficult trials, insurmoutable odds, financial struggles, and oh by the way temptations? Hey, life can be tough sometimes. I do my best to walk in the footprints of Jesus, but I find myself woefully inadequate. I find myself failing, missing the mark, and sinning. Only one man has walked the perfect walk - Jesus.
I always find it amazing how they beat and crucified the only person who walked this life doing good to all, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and walking in a deep love for His fellow man. He did so much for us, that for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. Amazing love! Truly amazing.
So what is this quest all about? It will determine where we will spend eternity. Will we spend it with the giver of life, the lover of our souls or will we be cast into the Lake of Fire that was created for satan and the fallen angels.
Some people don't want to hear about the Lake of Fire. They want a self-serving, self-centered life with little difficulties. The Bible tells us differently. We are to serve our fellow man, submit to them, and then turn the other cheek when wrong us. That's a tall order. That Sermon on the Mount isn't easy. It takes a selfless person to live that lifestyle 24/7. But that's what Jesus did. That's why He went up into the mountains to pray at night. He needed the Almighty's strength to walk the talk.
Often I miss the mark. Temptation ensnares me, but praise God, He is faithful. He is full of mercy. He picks me up each morning and fills me with His joy. Sometimes my life is a shambles, but God restores my soul. His mercies are new every morning, new every morning - Great is His faithfulness.
What brings me back to Him? It's His kindness. He loves you and me. This God we serve can't help it. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for my sins. Do you want to live this life to the fullness - practice kindness to your family, your friends, and your enemies. Then your journey through life will become a quest and you will be changed for all eternity!
I always find it amazing how they beat and crucified the only person who walked this life doing good to all, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and walking in a deep love for His fellow man. He did so much for us, that for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. Amazing love! Truly amazing.
So what is this quest all about? It will determine where we will spend eternity. Will we spend it with the giver of life, the lover of our souls or will we be cast into the Lake of Fire that was created for satan and the fallen angels.
Some people don't want to hear about the Lake of Fire. They want a self-serving, self-centered life with little difficulties. The Bible tells us differently. We are to serve our fellow man, submit to them, and then turn the other cheek when wrong us. That's a tall order. That Sermon on the Mount isn't easy. It takes a selfless person to live that lifestyle 24/7. But that's what Jesus did. That's why He went up into the mountains to pray at night. He needed the Almighty's strength to walk the talk.
Often I miss the mark. Temptation ensnares me, but praise God, He is faithful. He is full of mercy. He picks me up each morning and fills me with His joy. Sometimes my life is a shambles, but God restores my soul. His mercies are new every morning, new every morning - Great is His faithfulness.
What brings me back to Him? It's His kindness. He loves you and me. This God we serve can't help it. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for my sins. Do you want to live this life to the fullness - practice kindness to your family, your friends, and your enemies. Then your journey through life will become a quest and you will be changed for all eternity!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Authority of the Believer
God is building His end time army. Jesus gave us all power and authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing of the enemy shall injure us. (Luke 10:19) The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in Christ Jesus. I'm a wrestling coach, so I know about physical battles, but this war is in the spirit realm where physical weapons are meaningless.
"An Evening of Prayer for Ramona" calls for us to dust off our swords and enter the spiritual battleground against the forces of darkness. Jesus paid the price on Calvary 2,000 years ago, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He defeated satan and now we are to walk in His victory over the devil. We do that when we pray. As the Body of Christ we have great power. If we truly believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and the Bible is the Word of God, then we can move forward as a united front to reclaim the youth of Ramona and this nation. This younger generation faces wickedness like we've never seen before. They will be lost, if we don't do something. That something is prayer, collective prayer by the Body of Christ. We have to reclaim this country - this land, just like Joshua did when he went into the Promisied Land.
"Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or our adversaries." (Joshua 5:13-14)
Don't you love Joshua. He was ready for battle that very moment. He was ready to fight. That's the way we need to be, but our battle is on our knees. Our weapon of choice is the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God.
Look at the reply to Joshua, "He said, 'No; rather I indeed come now as the Captain of the Host of the Lord."
When we enter the war zone, the Lord is inside of us and He's leading the charge. Jesus always led from the front. He wasn't in the rear guard, but right on the front lines offering His Body and Blood for the victory. Because He was victorious, we can walk in that victory. Look at Revelations 19, "He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is called the Word of God. And armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that He will strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron, and He will press of the fierce wrath of God."
God is very angry with the devil. He loves His children very much and doesn't want them to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. He desperately wants His army to mobilize and fight back with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. He wants us to come together and pray for the youth of Ramona and this nation. On Sept. 4th at 6PM I invite you to come out to Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, Ca. If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, we need you! Our Youth and our Nation need your prayers. We have the authority and the victory over satan in Christ Jesus and on Sept 4th we will push back the forces of darkness and reclaim our youth and our nation!
"An Evening of Prayer for Ramona" calls for us to dust off our swords and enter the spiritual battleground against the forces of darkness. Jesus paid the price on Calvary 2,000 years ago, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He defeated satan and now we are to walk in His victory over the devil. We do that when we pray. As the Body of Christ we have great power. If we truly believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and the Bible is the Word of God, then we can move forward as a united front to reclaim the youth of Ramona and this nation. This younger generation faces wickedness like we've never seen before. They will be lost, if we don't do something. That something is prayer, collective prayer by the Body of Christ. We have to reclaim this country - this land, just like Joshua did when he went into the Promisied Land.
"Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or our adversaries." (Joshua 5:13-14)
Don't you love Joshua. He was ready for battle that very moment. He was ready to fight. That's the way we need to be, but our battle is on our knees. Our weapon of choice is the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God.
Look at the reply to Joshua, "He said, 'No; rather I indeed come now as the Captain of the Host of the Lord."
When we enter the war zone, the Lord is inside of us and He's leading the charge. Jesus always led from the front. He wasn't in the rear guard, but right on the front lines offering His Body and Blood for the victory. Because He was victorious, we can walk in that victory. Look at Revelations 19, "He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is called the Word of God. And armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that He will strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron, and He will press of the fierce wrath of God."
God is very angry with the devil. He loves His children very much and doesn't want them to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. He desperately wants His army to mobilize and fight back with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. He wants us to come together and pray for the youth of Ramona and this nation. On Sept. 4th at 6PM I invite you to come out to Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, Ca. If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, we need you! Our Youth and our Nation need your prayers. We have the authority and the victory over satan in Christ Jesus and on Sept 4th we will push back the forces of darkness and reclaim our youth and our nation!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
An Evening of Prayer in Ramona
I would like to invite all believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to attend "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona, CA." As the Body of Christ we need to humble ourselves and come together to pray for our Youth and for this Nation. Now more than ever we need to be standing in the gap for the unsaved. Jesus Christ isn't coming again.
Whoa, what was that? No, Jesus Christ is ON THE WAY. We are in the last days and satan knows that. He hates all of those created in the Image and Likeness of God. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy, especially the youth of today. He wants them all to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
We've got to come against that! We've been called in this hour to fast and pray. That's right - FAST!
The Army of the Lord Most High, needs to rise up! RISE UP SAINTS OF GOD! We can change the ETERNAL fate of many, if we are willing to give of our time in prayer and to fast. Fasting breaks the yoke. The first time I fasted 21 days on water, while still working. God broke through on 3 major issues in my life.
Jesus Christ has already paid the price on Calvary! It's out job to go out and save the lost. It's my belief, that there are plenty of great churches and great pastors, but we don't have enough prayer warriors. People who are willing to walk in holiness and set their lives aside for a few moments or a few hours each day and pray for the lost.
I invite you again, to "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona, Ca." Please come.
Whoa, what was that? No, Jesus Christ is ON THE WAY. We are in the last days and satan knows that. He hates all of those created in the Image and Likeness of God. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy, especially the youth of today. He wants them all to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
We've got to come against that! We've been called in this hour to fast and pray. That's right - FAST!
The Army of the Lord Most High, needs to rise up! RISE UP SAINTS OF GOD! We can change the ETERNAL fate of many, if we are willing to give of our time in prayer and to fast. Fasting breaks the yoke. The first time I fasted 21 days on water, while still working. God broke through on 3 major issues in my life.
Jesus Christ has already paid the price on Calvary! It's out job to go out and save the lost. It's my belief, that there are plenty of great churches and great pastors, but we don't have enough prayer warriors. People who are willing to walk in holiness and set their lives aside for a few moments or a few hours each day and pray for the lost.
I invite you again, to "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona, Ca." Please come.
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