SPIRIT WARRIORS - ARISE! We need to take back the land. Some of the church has fallen asleep in their times of prayer and fasting. The Body of Christ - the Spirit Warriors of today - need to arise and enter into battle. Sometimes that means we won't get a full night's sleep. That's okay. God will see us through the day. We are the tabernacles of God, so when we pray, things happen in the spirit realm. We are co-laborers with Christ. Part of our co-laboring is praying and fasting. I can't say enough at how powerful the two are. During World War II, Hitler was making all the right moves. He ran over Europe and was planning to attack England. The King of England declared a time of prayer and fasting. Hitler reconsidered his move against England and instead turned his armies toward Russia.
In the 1500's the greatest navy in the world, the Spanish Armada, set sail from Spain intent on attacking England. The King declared a time of fasting and praying. A huge storm developed out at sea and the fleet was destroyed. They never reached England.
We are in the midst of a huge storm as Jesus gets ready to return. We need to be fasting and praying for our nation and especially our youth. Our prayers enable God to move in the realm of the spirit. He stands waiting to hear our prayers and to move forward. We need to take authority over satan and the armies of darkness in the Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and with the blood of Jesus.
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We were created in the image and likeness of God and God spoke things into existance, so our spoken prayers have great power. Don't ever doubt that. Satan would want you to think that you are insignificant, powerless, but we're not. We have the Kingdom of God within us, if Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
Let's move forward in the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim healing into our land. Don't forget next Saturday, Sept. 4th we're having an "Evening of Prayer for Ramona" at Ramona Oaks Park in California. My hope is that Body of Christ turns out and joins together to set the captives free.
God bless you - Coach Pete
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