Forgiveness isn't easy. In fact without Jesus, it's nearly impossible. I marvel at the ultimate model the Great Spirit Warrior left for us. After being beaten beyond recognition, without uttering a word of complaint, a crown of thrones imbeded in His skull, betrayed by His apostles, whipped 39 times and then He had to carry His cross to Calvary. What was His response? How did He view those who crucified Him? What was His response to the crucifiction of His body, with unbearable pain?
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)
Could you have done that? Could you have endured the cross and then asked God to forgive your attackers? I don't think I could have. Its tough enough for me to forgive my family when they do something that costs me greatly.
Jesus was magnificient in His battle against the enemy. He knew the attack came from the devil and not the people. Do we recognize where our battles are birthed? Are we aware that our flesh wants to be justified, avenged, especially when we mistreated and without sin?
Our greatest trials won't come from the world, but from our immediate family and loved ones. The strange part of forgiveness is that while we are imprisoned in unforgiveness, they who did us wrong are free. Most times they don't even know what they've done or don't care. It doesn't affect them. In the meantime, our lives are shackled in the heavy chains of unforgiveness.
I can remember a time when I went to my wife's best friend's new house. I wasn't overly impressed and didn't offer any comment. I just sat there quietly. But this lady was deeply offended. I didn't know it until she called my wife and told her. I hadn't sinned and yet I had offended her.
So what do you do in a situation like that? I literally did nothing and yet I offended her. So what did I do? Did I call her up and explain to her, that I just didn't like her house. Isn't that my right? Don't I have a right to like some things and not others. After all I didn't say anything. I was just quiet. Do you know what a real spirit warrior is concerned about. It isn't themselves. Although in great pain and anguish, Jesus didn't call down a legion of angels and wipe out His enemies. No, He called to the Father to ask for their forgiveness.
What did I do? I called her up and asked her to forgive me for offending her. I bowed down to her feelings and sincerely apologized, because there are greater things at stake in this life than my feelings, than my flesh, than in proving that I have rights. As a spirit warrior for Christ, we are bondservants to Him. Servants to others so that the Kingdom of God can be seen in our lives. It's not easy, but the walk of a spirit warrior is most rewarding. Look at Jesus, for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross and many will enter into eternal joy because of His selfless act. He had no sin. Don't think for a moment that we won't be tested in this area of forgiveness even though we haven't sinned.
God further said, when you stand praying and present your gift before the King, go and make amends with anyone who has ought against you. Do we realize that if we don't forgive our prayers are like a clanging gong in heaven? Bitterness can enter our lives and sometimes our bodies pay the toll in full. Forgiveness is never easy, but with Jesus all things are possible. Walk in forgivness and you will be modeling the Great Spirit Warrior - Jesus Christ.
God is calling His spirit warriors to walk in forgiveness
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