"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone."
The ultimate Spirit Warrior prayed often and by Himself. His relationship with the Father was tight. Jesus went to Him to pray and to receive instructions from the Father. He said, "I only do what the Father shows me." That should be our model as well. The Holy Spirit will speak to our hearts and guide us along, but we've got to make the effort to come before Him. Our lives will be so much more productive, if we are receiving the instructions from the One who ordered our lives before the foundation of the universe.
Several times in my life, I've either missed the leading of the Holy Spirit, or I didn't obey. We miss God's perfect will when we do that. Our efforts will only achieve a certain level, but with God's direction and our obedience to Him, only He knows what heights we can attain.
Prayer - God's communication with us is so important, but often times we've made it a one way street. We come before Him and then tell Him what we need or want. Instead we should be coming before Him and asking Him what He wants and what He needs from our lives. Now, please don't let the devil overrun you with guilt. We're all guilty. We've all missed the mark one time or another, but we can improve. We can improve our serve, by spending more time in prayer. It's the only way and yet most in the Body of Christ spend very little time in prayer. You don't believe me? Call a prayer meeting and see how many people show up.
Life gets in the way, the house, the wife, the husband, the kids, the job, football, sports. I know. I'm guilty, but I'm turning the corner and living a life that requires more time in prayer. Our weapons of warfare are mighty, but some of us have dust on our swords. Spiritual battles are fought in prayer closets, from your knees, or wherever you're comfortable praying. Jesus went up into the mountains. I like walking along a wooden trail near my house. It's my secret prayer grotto. George Finney, the great revivalist, walked in the apple orchards in New England.
I hope you consider praying more. Determine to chooseto spend more time in God's presence. You will become more like Him when you do and you will see things change in your lives.
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