What a glorious time I had in prayer this morning. I didn't feel His anointing. I didn't feel His presence. I woke up early, about 3 AM, to send off my latest book, COLORS OF THE NIGHT to a publisher for consideration for publishing. The review is next week, so I'm right on time. PRAISE THE LORD!
Armed with coffee in my mug, I sat down to read the Word. This morning I was reading in Psalms. As I was meditating on the scriptures, thoughts for chapters in our new novel came into mind. God was ordering my steps.
Oh, how I delighted in those precious moments of His inspiration. He's so good. His lovingkindness is new every morning. I sat there listening to His direction. I debated whether I should get up and write down the outline for the first 6 chapters of the new book, but I didn't want to leave His presence. Now there was no physical manifestation of His presence, but I knew the thoughts that were coming, were from the Lord.
I have 30 days to complete 50 pages of the new book. So I got up and got my notepad. After finishing the notes for 6 chapters, I wanted to read the Word more, but my time was up. It was 4:45 and I had to pack my lunch, shave, brush my teeth, and hurry out the door to go to morning prayer at the Prayer Mountain.
I don't know how people survive in this world without communion with the Lord in prayer. I look back at the really big successes in my life and I see that they were berthed in prayer, that quiet time at His feet. How glorious and yet many Christians miss those moments of divine opportunity. "Behold, I stand at the door of your heart and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." (Revelations 3:20)
"An Evening of Prayer in Ramona" was birthed in prayer. Jesus, the Great Spirit Warrior, went to the mountains and prayed. We as spirit warriors of the Most High God need to be rising early to be at His feet, to dine with Him and He will direct our path. If you really want to do something great, something you know you are not capable of doing and yet it is in your heart - I have this encouragement. Pray at His feet, crucify your body in a fast and then declare those things to be that are not and watch God move on your behalf for His purpose!
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