"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well...And in your book were all written, the days that were ordained for me." (Psalms 139:13,14, 16)
Follow the call of your heart. When you have a good idea for something that seems too big for you, it probably is and its probably not your idea. God has written the plan for your life in a book before you were ever created, so we should take confidence that we are fulfilling His plan for our lives. God has designed you, spirit warrior, for a certain period of life with a specific mission. The vision is to spread God's Kingdom throughout the world. The mission statement is how we do it.
God has made and equipped us to carry out His mission for our lives. He formed us knowing that He constructed us according to His design. In no way does that give excuse for sin. Some people say, I lose my temper because I'm Irish. That's an excuse. God says that a man who is in control of his emotions is greater than he that captures a city. We are responsible for our actions, just because we were born rich or born, tall or short, black or white. None of that matters.
Do you know what matters? How is our relationship with Jesus Christ? Are we seeking Him daily? Are we listening to His voice?
He never leaves us even during our darkest hours and in fact walks through those hours with us, just a breath away.
I'm writing a new book called Operation Blackbeard. It's a modern day pirate novel. I get up early in the morning and God gave me the ideas for the first six chapters, then the next two. He's putting people in my life to tell me about the pirates, about special ops. He's orchastrating the writing of this book and its fun. After meditating on Psalms 139, Saturday, I realized that Operation Blackbeard is already written. All I have to do is draw it out of the spiritual and write it in the natural.
So how do you do that? Prayer. Sitting before Him daily. God then fills me with His thoughts for His book. It's way cool. I'm writing a book that the Lord that has already written. That should help anyone out of writer's cramp.
When God was forming me in the womb, He knew to make me a writer. As an athlete, I was a long distance runner and a wrestler. Those two sports build traits that are perfect for writing. It's tough and it takes a long time to complete a book. Those two sports have prepared me for my writing career.
So fellow spirit warriors, don't be afraid to step out on the water. Peter did and so can you. God is always there with you, so failure is not an option. Even if the world judges our efforts to be failures, we know that God doesn' t make any junk. Keep pressing for the mark, spirit warrior. It might take years, but if you don't give up, you shall finish the race. In all the distant races I ran, I finished them all. They all were tough, but the pain only lasted a short while. Keep pressing in spirit warrior, our lives are like a vapor and the trials that we are experiencing last only a moment. If the Lord is with you, you will succeed!
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