We will be judged for every idle word we utter. What's the big deal? Why is that so important.
Our words are mighty weapons we employ in our fight against the forces of evil. Demons shudder when a Christian who knows who he is in Christ Jesus and the authority that Jesus gave the church begins to proclaim things in his life in prayer.
One day my children's book, "Enoch the Elephant," was picked up by a lady at a trade show in Long Beach. She loved the artwork and the title, but when she saw the name of Jesus, she ran off.
His name, the name of Jesus has great power and supreme authority. Satan knows that. Calling those things that don't exist into existance is an example of our faith in Him. Sometimes people will proclaim something and immediately release power through their words to defeat the very thing they prayed for. They may pray for something and then turn around and say, "That won't work." Guess what? It won't. They just canceled their prayer.They've just empowered the forces of evil to steal their blessing. I know. I've been guilty of that. It's hard to fight the flesh, but it is a discipline. The more we keep our words positive, the easier it gets. It becomes a habit. Unfortunately, it can also become a bad habit, if we reinforce the negative.
On the flip side, plan to use your proclamations in your prayer life invoking the Name of Jesus and watch the results. Proclaim health over your body, over your family, over your check book. Proclaim peace and happiness in your home. Proclaim the Kingdom to come in your life and the lives of those around you. That's how spirit warriors fight using
I will tell you that the first time you begin to use this strategy, the devil will come with a trial. He doesn't want you to succeed. He's come to steal your peace, your prosperity, and your joy. If he can do that, he has neutilized your witness. "They make their tongue a stumbling for themselves." (Psalms 64:8)
Our choice of words determines our future. After uttering our words, then our faith sustains us through the trials until that which we proclaimed in prayer, in the Name of Jesus comes to pass.
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