God isn't through with us as long as we are on this earth. Trials will come our way. God allows them, to build us. Remember as we endure a trial, "We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
We keep getting in the way of God's purpose for our lives by murmurring and complaining about the trial. Often times we misinterpet what God is doing through the trial.
Currently, I'm going through a trial. Some things have happened that aren't right, not fair. Foul, I cry. Someone called me up yesterday to see how I was doing in the face of this injustice. I told them, it's God's will. I didn't engage in conversation with them. I didn't want to defile myself over a matter that is in the hands of the Lord. God is in charge and the sooner we realize that, the more peaceful our lives will be in the midst of a trial. We can abide in the swirling storms of life or we can be in the eye of the tornado. The world around us maybe whirling around with all kinds of troublesome mettlers, but we can choice to be in the peaceful center of the storm, with Jesus. It's that simple. Unfortunately, it's not that simple to walk that way. It takes practice.
This life isn't easy. Jesus didn't say that it would be. So what's the point of all these trials?
"We exalt in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverence; and perseverance, proven character." (Romans 5:3-4)
Proven character is what God is after in us. This injustice that I'm going through, is really nothing. Oh, it doesn't feel good, but I know that I know that God is opening doors for me that no one can shut. He wants me to walk through this trial so that I can have proven character. Don't ever think that during a tough time, He has abandoned us. It may feel that way, but don't trust your feelings - trust the Word of God. He is with us always even to the end of our days.
Yesterday I walked away from a conversation that could have defiled me, but I chose not to engage and told of God's will for my life. Never mind those around us. What do you expect from imperfect beings who think differently than you? We live in an imperfect world, with imperfect people. There was only one Jesus and He made a lot of people angry by His perfect lifestyle. That's our goal. Utter no complaint, but move on. Look to the good in ourselves and others and believe that God is working everything out in our lives for His purpose. God bless you, spirit warrior, as you endure the trial you're going through. It is for His purpose and for His glory!
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