Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Be ready spirit warrior

z"Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit. Be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast, so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks."(Luke 12:35-36)
We don't know when our Master will return, but if our hearts aren't ready, dressed in readiness, we'll miss Him. Many in the church aren't spending more than a moment with Him each day. That's not good. Jesus can come at any moment and if our relationship isn't hot, we'll miss Him.
Oh some may say, "I've heard this before and He hasn't come. There's plenty of time."
No one knows the time of our Master's return, but we need to be prepared at any moment. He should find us waiting at the door welcoming Him to come in.
Things will get tough at times and we might find ourselves walking along a distant path from our Lord, but like the prodical son, Jesus is willing to welcome us back, if we will repent of our sins. He's very kind, the most faithful person we'll ever know.
Some people don't want to leave their sin behind and move forward with Him. Sin, however, is croaching at the door. We have a choice. We can either open the door to our King, or open the door to the forces of evil. There is no in-between.
So be ready to meet the King. Be ready whatever the season. Don't let these holidays be the only time you go to church or open the family Bible. Being ready, means we love to read the Word, to pray, and to be in the gathering of the brethern.

1 comment:

  1. "Colors of the Night"
    This is an amazing book that talks about the fight of faith in every of our human endeavor. It has alot of actions which possesses significant features ones should have to live a victorious and a successful life when faced with reality of life. I really like the biblical inspired actions that demonstrate the strength in our inner being especially where if one lacks ideas and can't move on in life, then this is the book to read because a lot of faith in God's reality is exposed in it that creates opportunity to be victorious in our daily lifes. It's hard sometimes to face issues life with our ordinary mined and one thing this book talks about is for us to be consistent to do as 1Timothy 6:12 encourages us to do although this time with a lot of physical karate expression but with a significant manifestation of the inner-Strength from within “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses”. 1Timothy 6:12.
    Thank you Mr. Peter H Zindler for writing this awesome book that made a big impact in my life! I highly recommend this book to any category of people because it’s certain if you read this book you will surely know how to overcome to be a conqueror in life.

    The book could be purchased in Amazon.com
