Monday, September 20, 2010


Nothing feels better than returning home and sitting in my chair with my light and my Bible. I was in Virginia at a conference last week. I couldn't get comfortable, the light wasn't good, but I still managed to read my Bible. At the engineering conference, I noticed the passion that some of the representatives had for their job. I thought about that and looked deep inside me. My passion is the Lord, the Bible, praying, and writing.
When I finish reading the Bible and and praying then do some writing or blogging, I feel content. I feel satisfied that I am doing what I was created to do. I realized that when I listened to the speakers. They have passion for their work. Now don't get me wrong, I give my best at my job, but my deeper interest is the Lord.
My new book coming out soon, "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" is a story that encourages Spirit Warriors to go deeper into the spiritual truths of the Bible. "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" is a quick and adventuresome read, but teaches deeper weapons of our warfare. We all are called to be Spirit Warriors for Christ - our Commander and Chief. Always remember the battle is the Lord's, but we have a part to play in it. When I stepped forward to host "An Evening of Prayer for Ramona" I had to do just that - step forward. To walk out on the water keeping my eyes focussed on Jesus. The night of prayer was a resounding success, because the Holy Spirit was the One doing the work. I was just following in His footsteps.
I had some excitement going on this trip and as I do one last edit of "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" God has already placed in my heart, the next book. I was excited about working on it and I look forward to its completion.
What is your passion? What makes you feel good and will last eternity? If you don't know what it is, find it. Ask God to reveal your purpose. Once you know your purpose and begin walking boldly in it, you will live a very satisfied life.

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