Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Measure your words, spirit warrior

"Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it goes not into his heart, but his stomach, and is eliminated. And He was saying, That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.
Have you ever listened to the words of others? Have you ever sat down and listened to your own words?
Are they uplifting? Do they encourage one another? Are you planting success in the lives of others?
Our words locate us. They tell us where our hearts live. What world are you abiding in? Are you abiding in the Word of God or the things and pleasures of this world? Do your words emulate the things of the Spirit?
Many times we don't take the time to compliment one another, to encourage. So much can happen when we pour out blessings from within. But these blessings have an origin. That starting point begins with what we are feeding our inner man.
If we are feeding our inner man with God's choice, His prime cut, it will be the Word of God. From that investement with the Lord, reading your Bible, praying, and being in His presence, God will deposit ideas on how you can be a friend to others who are struggling. The world's system, will not bless them. It will grind them up, use them, and then spit them out.
How many of you plan to be a blessing to someone else? It shouldn't be that around Christmas time we begin to think of others. We should be thinking of others, year round. Jesus said, "The greatest of you shall be a servant."
That's not a worldly thought. The world believes it should be served. It encourages you to be #1, but Jesus said just the opposite. If we have a steady diet of world TV, events, parties, then what comes out of us will be worldly thoughts and ideas. If we want to follow the Lord, spirit warrior, our inner beings need to be nourished with Him. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me."
(Rev 3:20)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sermon on the Mount - a spirit warrior's goal for living

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:1-7:27 gives us the ultimate standard by which we should live our lives. I belive this is one of Jesus' most inspired sermons. Some people say this is a goal by which we should live and I agree, but others say it is unachievable. But the Bible also says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Don't get me wrong, I try to live my life and do the best I can, but I miss the mark often times. I must tell you, though, if we don't have a goal in mind in the way we live our lives, we'll never be able to achieve the life God wants us to live. Hence, the Sermon on the Mount.
Over and over again, I read the Sermon and have tried to memorize it. I've got Chapter 5 down pretty good, but I keep going over it. One of the themes that I see, is that God wants us to be humble in heart. He doesn't want us to flaunt the things we've done in our lives. He wants us to keep quiet about the good we do for others.
This goes against our flesh and that can be a tough battle. It's just like fastening. The flesh wants to be fed, but when we do something for someone else, we are to keep it between us and God. Let God reward us openly.
At times that can be tough. We've given all that we have and there is no apparent reward - at this time.
The older I get the more I see God moving slowly in my life. He wants me to mature and trust in Him. If He moved quickly, I'd expect Him to do that all the time.
God knows what we need, when we need it. He's always on time. We tend to push things up on His schedule, but that's not how He operates.
The Sermon on the Mount is filled with opportunities to serve others. That too is not something people don't want to hear today. What's in it for me? That's something we've all asked.
Humility, preferring others over us, and trusting in the Lord is what Jesus wants us to do and the Sermon on the Mount is the way He wants it done.
I encourage you to study it, to memorize it. To be ready in season and out.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The awesomeness of the Almighty

""Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said,...Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell if you have understanding. Who set its measurements? Since you know...Have you ever in your life commanded the morning? And caused the dawn to know its place...Have you entered into the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep?...Have you ever entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail?...Do you know the time the moutain goats give birth? Do you observe the calving of the deer?...Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck and a mane? Do you make him leap like the locust? His majestic snorting is terrible. He paws the valley, and rejoices in his strength...Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars,stretching his wings toward the north? Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high? (Job 38:1-40:4)
I love these poetic lines in Job. They excite the depths of my heart. They tell of the majesty and concern of the Almighty. I also love Job's sober response:"Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to you?
I always enjoy reading God's reply to Job, but today I enjoyed Job's answer. I sat there and pondered the greatest of the Creator our Lord and Savior. He created this whole universe for us! He wants us to trust Him during the trials of our lives. Most of the time, we don't know what God is doing during these trials, but I do know one thing - He is building us through the trials for His purpose.
I've gone through some tough times during my marriage, but I haven't given up. My family constantly stretches me, my time, my assets, my every drop of life. In my car on the way to work, I've yelled and cried out to Him.
If we are going to be the spirit warriors that God has created us to be, we will be stretched. During this last year, I've fasted more, prayed more, and gave more to the kingdom. I've seen God move on my behalf and in the past I used to fret about things, money, time. I try not to anymore, because I feel a deeper trust in Him. Reading Job encourages my trust in Him. God is no respector of persons and He will do for me what He's done for Job.
Now when I face troubles, I still have to fight a knee jerk reaction, but I'm more confident that God will bless my life and provide an opportunity for His success in my life. Spirit warrior, trust in Him with a humble heart and He will guide your life.
"Who then is he that can stand before Me? Who has given to Me that I should repay?
Then Job answered the Lord and said, I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know...Therefore I retract and I repent in dust and ashes." (Job42:1-6)
Ultimately, spirit warrior, that should be our position on life's trials, "Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Be ready spirit warrior

z"Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit. Be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast, so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks."(Luke 12:35-36)
We don't know when our Master will return, but if our hearts aren't ready, dressed in readiness, we'll miss Him. Many in the church aren't spending more than a moment with Him each day. That's not good. Jesus can come at any moment and if our relationship isn't hot, we'll miss Him.
Oh some may say, "I've heard this before and He hasn't come. There's plenty of time."
No one knows the time of our Master's return, but we need to be prepared at any moment. He should find us waiting at the door welcoming Him to come in.
Things will get tough at times and we might find ourselves walking along a distant path from our Lord, but like the prodical son, Jesus is willing to welcome us back, if we will repent of our sins. He's very kind, the most faithful person we'll ever know.
Some people don't want to leave their sin behind and move forward with Him. Sin, however, is croaching at the door. We have a choice. We can either open the door to our King, or open the door to the forces of evil. There is no in-between.
So be ready to meet the King. Be ready whatever the season. Don't let these holidays be the only time you go to church or open the family Bible. Being ready, means we love to read the Word, to pray, and to be in the gathering of the brethern.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Presence of the Lord - A spirit warrior's call

"Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word." (Luke 10:38-39)
Seated at the Master's feet. I love getting up in the early part of the morning and sitting in front of the fire, with a cup of coffee and reading the Word of God - the Bible. I experience a deep love that the Lord pours out into me, His joy. Every spirit warrior who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior needs to be at the Master's feet feeding on His Word. It is our life. Mary chose to be at the Master's feet while Martha, although well intentioned, chose to be busy.
Don't be too busy doing the things of the ministry without spending time at the Master's feet. God will redeem all the time you take before Him. Our lives will be greatly enriched by the Lord as we give our time to Him.
It is at those times that I fall deeply in love with Him.
Now I'm not going to write this and tell you, "I've got it all together, because I don't. I'm still working out my salvation in Jesus Christ one day at a time, but that decision to be before Him is so critical. We are weak, but He is strong and He will give us His armor and His protection in our fight against the evil one.
"But Martha was distracted..." Luke 10:40
The devil's goal in our lives is to distract us from the Almighty's presence. Then he will bring trouble, trials, or temptation to pull us off the path of righteousness. But if we seek Him first and His rightiousness, all else shall be added onto us.
That's why Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the the good part. Think about it spirit warrior. If you are doing something big and great for the Lord and not spending time with Him, it's almost that we are doing these good things on our own, without Him. Believe me, it's much better when He's in charge and directing us. Our success is in Him. Without Him, we can do nothing.
So take the time each day to be with Him and you will grow like a mighty Oak of Righteousness

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jesus Christ - Our warrior King

When I was younger, I turned the other cheek alot. I tried to avoid conflict and whenever I engaged, I usually ended up in the swamp calling people names or slandering them.
Since I've gotten older, I've engaged in more conflict. There are times when you have to say what's right and what's wrong. There are times when you have to stand up for the truth. However there are other times when turning the other cheek is the only way. The difference, I've seen, is when it affects someone else, you need to stand up and fight. When it's about you and won't amount to much, let it go. Let the Divine Warrior King take up your fight. Pray for those who persecute you.
"Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me. Take hold of buckler and shield and rise up for my help. Draw also the spear and the battleaxe to meet those who pursue me." (Psalms 35:1-3)
This great battle we've entered by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior doesn't come without reinforcements. Jesus, Himself, will take up the battle for our cause, but our greatest battle isn't the world out there, but our flesh. Our flesh will cause us to miss the mark in many ways. Our emotions, our lusts, out selfishness is what will cause us to miss the mark. But in the real battle, when we are pursued for doing good, Jesus Himself will take up His invincible weapons to defeat the enemy.
Determine where the real battle is taking place. Is it in the spirit realm or the flesh realm? In the spirit, the battle is the Lord's. In the flesh, we have to temper our emotions.
How do we win that battle? Reading the Word and being washed in it, praying every day and fasting will center our lives on the Lord. Ultimately our prayers filled with the Word of God and our faith become our weapons of righteousness. With humble spirits, we pray for the Warrior King to deliver us from our enemies and in the process bless them who are fighting against us.
Is this impossible? You bet it is! Only with the Lord can we achieve the greatness of God in our lives, just as His Son did when He walked the face of this world and was crucified for doing good. Amazing!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spirit warriors stay the course!

Life is not easy, especially if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. God is constantly refining us in His fire so that we can be a vessel for Him to use. To do that He must burn the dross out of our lives, and that's not fun.
Often times we find ourselves challenged by life's situations. But it's in our best interest to stay the course. To walk in faith, trusting that God Almighty is right near us, encouraging us to complete the course and to help others.
All of us want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
All of us have sinned and fall short, but its in those moments of falling that God picks us up, time and time again. We are disobedient to the Holy Spirit as He encourages us to take the high road and yet, He never abandons us. His kindness, grace, and most certainly mercy pull us up from the muck and the mire of our lives.
Don't look at your neighbor and see what he has. Don't look on someone else's life and wish you were them. You really don't know what they are going through. You don't know the trials they face.
Just know this, all of us face trials for God's glory to shine through us. We can't live this life without Him, but there will be a price for us. We have to stay the course, just like Jesus did. Look at the suffering He endured.
Our trials are miniscule in comparison. His sacrifice was total and complete, but we will taste of that suffering in our lives especially if we are living our lives for Christ.
"Blessed are you when men revile you and say all kinds of evil about you for my sake. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven for they persecuted the prophets who came before you." (Matthew 5:11)
I will tell you, its easier to read this scripture than to live it, but live it we must, so that we can see the glory of God in our lives, both here on earth and beyond. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is the world better because you have lived, spirit warrior?

This one comes from the deepest reservoir of my heart. Each day we face new challenges, but have we blessed the lives of those around around us? Do our lives enrich them because we have walked the face of this earth? Oh spirit warrior don't miss this! Too many times we have summed up our lives, by what we have, by what we've learned, by our position or stature. That's not the life of a spirit warrior.
Have you ever examined your heart to see who you have helped without any ulterior motive? Look at the Great Spirit Warrior, Jesus. He went around doing good; healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding many. Did He do it for prestige? Did He do it for possessions? Did He do it to prove His superiority over others? No!
Are we walking in His footsteps? Are we actively putting the cares and concerns, the dreams of our brothers and sisters ahead of us? Jesus did, all the time. He talked about the life of the servant several times. He said when you go to a banquet, don't sit at the head of table. Humble yourself. Don't expect people to honor you, honor them, serve them. Give of yourselves selflessly. Sow the seeds of kindness in the lives of others and watch what happens to your life. That's living in the kingdom of God for His purpose. That's the Seeds of Greatness that He planted in all of us, for His purpose.
Proverbs says, "What is desired in a man is his kindness." 2 Peter 1:5-7 encapsulates our Christian walk, "Now for this very reason also applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love."
The ultimate walk of a spirit warrior is kindness. We think its love, but too often we get twisted around the expression of love. Kindness is defined in
Webster's dictionary as: "Having or manifesting a nature that is gentle, considerate, and inclined to benevolent or beneficial actions. Kind and kindly, often interchangeable, both suggest gentleness, humaneness, and a sympathetic interest in the welfare of others."
There's the key - the welfare of others, not ourselves. That's what delights God's heart. When we place someone else's problems above our own troubles, we are walking as a spirit warrior for Christ. We are walking in His footsteps, following His example.
Often times in life, people dwell on their own problems with little resolution. But if we pour our lives into the lives of others, our problems don't seem as big. Jesus didn't go around murmuring and complaining that He had problems. He came that we might have life, and have life more abundently. He didn't come for Himself and that's what we need to focus on. It's not about you, it's about what you can do for others. President Kennedy said, "It's not what this nation can do for you, but what you can do for this nation."
That spirit warrior, is the cry of the Holy Spirit, the Supreme gentleman! Life is not what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for others. May the God bless you richly as you read this post and change your life and your thinking forever!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A spirit warrior's walk - obeying the statues of the Lord

"I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statues, and you will be careful to observe my ordances." (Ezekiel 36:27)
We have a distinct advantage in walking in the ways of the Lord if we have the Holy Spirit within us. If you have Jesus in your heart, you have the Holy Spirit too. How else can we filter out the ways of the world that get thrown at us 24/7, not to mention the desire of our flesh?
"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)
How awesome it is to be connected with the God of Creation and His limitless loving heart. If more people resonated in the loving heart of God, we would live in a world filled with God's beauty. Forgiveness and humility would be everyone's #1 priority. People would rush to serve each other, deferring to one another because the greater one, would be a servant of all. Look at the life of Jesus. Before He endured Calvary, he washed the disciples feet. What a powerful statement!
When was the last time you washed someone else's feet? When was the last time you served another? Giving of yourself should be a constant affair. None of us are perfect, except Jesus, so at times we get tired of serving. Tired of taking abuse and forgiving, but we've got to continue, we've got to endure. Why? That's what Jesus did and God is removing the dross from our lives through the trials we endure.
When we take ourselves out of the equation and keep our heads down, it's much easier. Our lives become more peaceful. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be the best that God made us to be, I'm saying be the best is a servant.
With His heart and His Spirit within us, is the only way we can accomplish His will.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Abiding in the vine - a spirit warrior's life

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me." (John 15:4)
Do you really want to do something awesome, creative, and meaningful for your life? You've got to be abiding in Jesus. He is the vine. He is the provider. He is the giver of the best thoughts. Those thoughts come into our mind and when we act on them, magnificient events will occur. Just be sure to give Him the praise, the honor and all the glory. That's usually a tough part and that's when the enemy comes in to sow the seeds of failure for the next event.
Abiding in the vine, is there any other way to live spirit warrior? We can do nothing on our own. Put it this way, we can't do the supernatural and that's what separates us from the world. The world operates on cause and effect. Spirit warriors operate in the supernatural, if they are abiding in the vine. The lame walk and the blind see, if we are abiding in the vine. "Ask Me anything and I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
Now some may say, "Hey wait a minute. What about those who are making millions and cheating and stealing and killing people? What about the drug lords?"
Listen, they have no peace. They have no friends, they have no joy. They may have shinny new things, but it doesn't last and they're going to hell for all eternity where the fires are unquenchable.
Not you spirit warrior. Your rewards are stored in eternity and you shall eat the fruit of your quiet labor then, not now. I know. I've been directed by God to do some incredible things and my reward awaits me in the next life. I've always wondered about Hebrews 11, how the triumphs of faith didn't receive their reward here on earth. It's waiting for them in eternity. Don't expect the reward here on earth, let God be God. He knows when you need what He has for you. He created you, not the other way around.
One great reward we can abide in is joy. It's new every morning. Let's be honest, there's not enough joy in this world and we can sure use more. That's a huge reward here on earth. Jesus promises His joy in us if we abide in Him.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kindness - a spirit warrior's greatest weapon

"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of the Lord that leads you to repentence."(Romans 2:9)
Too many times I see in the world around us, the mark of the beast. People are abusing, taking advantage, hurting, and killing other people. Jesus came that we might have life, and life more abundently. So as a spirit warrior of the Most High God, we have to show kindness to one another.
"What is desirable in a man is his kindness." (Proverbs 19:22)
If people are ever going to see Jesus in this fallen world, it is going to be through our kindness. Our kindness, those selfless, unnamed acts for others, are the mark of a true spirit warrior. Many times people have been beaten up by words and actions, so that someone can get an advantage. That's the world's way. It is contrary to the world, to help your brother or sister. The world says take advantage of them.
When the people came out to be baptized by John the Baptist, they asked what should we do now? He said be fair and honest to those around you. Don't mistreat someone. Doesn't it feel good when someone blesses you? As a spirit warrior we know that the blessing is not in receiving, but in giving. Giving something that an individual might not have, if you didn't give of yourself.
Try it sometime. Bless someone out of the clear blue. Treat them to lunch, buy their groceries at the supermarket, drive your car not wanting to be the first in line. Do unto others as you want them to do onto you.
"But You are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." (Nehemiah 9:17)
Slow to anger. Too many times are flesh calls out to be justified. We don't control our anger. We vent because it needs to come out or we will get some cancer. I don't believe that! That's contrary to the Word of God. If we are kind, we will forgive people their mistakes and help them to a better life in Christ. But they must see that through our lives, our testimony. That's a spirit warrior's walk! That's what this life is all about - serving others and not ourselves

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Refreshment for the spirit warrior - Psalms

Often times I'll begin my Bible reading in Psalms. The trials of this world can be overcoming at times and yet we must hang on. "Having done everything to stand, therefore stand firm." (Ephesians 6:13)
How do we stand when the pressures of life are overwhelming us? How do we stand firm in the face of adversity, of which we have no control?
I go to the Psalms. I need to hear of the lovingkindness of the Lord. His grace and mercy sustain me and lift me up on the wings of eagles. I was reading in Psalms 46:4 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling place of the Most High."
I don't know why, but that scripture ministers to me. I love the beauty of God filling me up with His river of joy. Although I'm not perfect, He dwells in me. He lifts me up and He inhabits the praises of His people.
So the book of Psalms lifts me up. Light comes into my life, dispelling the darkness, no matter the circumstances. Even though the car overheated, Even though the bills never cease, God is in the midst of all my crisis and yours as well. Take heart, spirit warrior, and invest your time in the book of Psalms. Praise Him. Psalms will lift you up and set you on high and you can deal with the worries and troubles of life through God's eyes. Psalms will bind the kings of darkness with fetters of iron.
I read Psalms 48 as well this morning and again was ministered to. "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, In the city of our God, His holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion in the far north, the city of the Great King."
We are that city, set on a lofty perch, but too often, we look at the wind and waves of life, taking our eyes off Jesus. There is only one way. There is only one Savior. His name is Jesus and He paid the price for our sins, that we may be set on high. He is our stronghold. He is our tower of strength and we run to Him, to His lovingkindness whenever we need to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

To enjoy the journey, spirit warrior, follow the vision in your heart.

Today is an extraordinary day. I'm submitting a proposal for my new book, OPERATION BLACKBEARD and the first 57 pages. One month ago, this book didn't exist. Now its a robust entity taken out of nothing. But it is God's creation, not mine, and may He receive the glory for His leading in my life.
It is a book God has given me to write and He is directing it. Many times through the first 56 pages God has brought me help through people, to write the book that He wants. It is amazing. Before I write, I sit and read the Bible. I want to be in communion with Him before I begin. The first time He inspired my heart, he gave me the first 6 chapters, but then he sent me reports from Africa, people who had books I should read and ideas for my characters.
I'm a finisher and want to complete the work, so the journey isn't always joyfull for me. But this has been very different and I feel the Holy Spirit inspiring me inspite of life's problems. More importantly and because of His presence, I feel confident and I'm enjoying the journey for probably the first time in my life.
When I put on stage plays, it was always hard, and the payoff was a large crowd and a great performance by the cast. But I didn't enjoy the journey. It was tough and risky and cost time and money.
Now I will wait for 6-8 weeks for an answer. Normally this would be a tough time, but I've got other work to do editing COLORS OF THE NIGHT.
God has orchastrated this sequence of events, so that I can succeed. God is in charge of our lives and He's bringing all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
So don't despair when the goings get tough. God is at work in you, spirit warrior. He is molding and crafting you. I can see it in my life and I'm most thankful to Him for the journey.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Spirit warrior warning - Pride cometh before the fall.

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling." (Proverbs 16:18)
As we walk this life God is going to use us if we listen to Him. He will use imperfect beings to carry out his will and spread the gospel of the kingdom, but we've got to be careful with the success that comes along with obedience. At the moment of our greatest victory, beware! The devil will try to slip in and begin to tell us that we are the ones doing it, that we are the talented, that we are so gifted. He begins to plant the seeds of our defeat.
Don't listen, spirit warrior. God gives us talents and gifts. His favor is for a lifetime and when times are tough, we have to hang on to that. We can't entertain thoughts that begin to elevate us. Our thoughts are to be humble and give God the glory for our success, lest we fall.
But if we fall, God will pick us up, but He might not use us again. Look at Sampson, the strongest man that ever lived. He fell and only at the very end of his life, did God give him, God's strength, and used him again.
Be sober and vigilant. The devil is like that hungry lion seeking whom he may devour. He wants to devour you and I and take away our testimony.
I'll tell you one thing, I'm not perfect, but when I fall, God picks me up. His lovingkindness is so faithful, so inviting, so endearing. It brings me back to Him again and again. We as Christians need to have that kind of love and forgiveness for one another, just like Jesus had. Then the light of Christ will shine through our lives and the true kingdom can be seen in us.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spirit warriors Live in the Vine.

"I am the true vine and my Father is the Vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the Word which I have spoken."
(John 15:1,2)
How powerful the Word of God truly is. We are cleaned by the reading of God's Word. That's why the enemy will try and get our minds wandering while we read. Did you ever notice that. Often times, my mind will have glossed over six or seven verses as thoughts of other things have filled my brain. My mind can only receive signals from one source at a time. That's why thoughts about other things will enter. I catch myself and reread those verses.
Spirit warrior there is a war out there for your mind. Did you ever notice how your mind can wander while reading the Word. The enemy lurks about. He'll use coming attractions seeking to entice us, to lure us from God's presence. He'll try and keep us from attending church because of the Word. The Word is life to our lives.
If we are abiding in the vine, our Protector, Our Savior will shield us from the attacks of the enemy. He's there at every step of our lives, interceding for us, encouraging us, showing His kindness.
There is a warning in John, if we don't abide in Him and His Word. "If anyone does not abide in Me, He is thrown away as a branch and dries up and they gather them up and cast them into the fire and they are burned." (John 15:6)
We can't live without the water of the Word. It cleanses us and refreshes us with the kindness of the Lord. What a good God we serve! What a loving God we serve. He is faithful and true and never leaves us. His lovingkindness is new every morning and His presence makes our joy full. Drink of fruit of the vine - the Word of God and your life will become more fruitful than you could ever imagine. I praise God for His faithfulness and His abundance in my life. He has blessed me beyond what I deserve. He has blessed me because of His great love for me and He wants to bless you as well. Abide in the vine and receive His blessing!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extraordinary works - A spirit warrior's lifestyle

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works I do, he will do also and greater works than thesehe will do because I go to the Father." (John 14:12)
It stuck me as while I was watching a filmed musical about Moses and the Ten Commandments. The play was excellently produced and filmed. Having written, directed, and produced over a 100 stage plays, I was never able to capture the beauty of the play on film. It always seem to fall flat. But my family and I were watching, what had to be a Broadway production done with an excellent film crew. So I was intrigued by it. The costumes and sets were excellent and quite creative. So I was captivated by it.
The play started with Moses as a baby being taken in as a baby and then growing up as the Pharoah's son and brother to the future Pharoah of Egypt. Somehow I had missed that. I hadn't realized that Moses and the Paraoah's son were raised as brothers and that would be who he would go up against later in life to let his people go.
But Moses was stripped of his worldly power and God appeared to him in a burning bush. He tells Moses who is a humble man and he stutters, to go back to Egypt and demand that Pharoah release the Jewish slaves.
That's an impossible task! Think about it. Egypt is the mightest kingdom on the face of the earth. The pharoah is considered god.  What has Moses to offer in exchange for the Jews? What has Moses to use as a means of forcing Pharoah's hand?  Nothing!!!
Don't miss that spirit warrior. God will empower us and equip us, if we will move forward for His kingdom.
So what is the real clue to all this?
If you want to do something great, something that you don't have the means to do. Pray. Spend time with the Creator. Ask Him what He wants you to do for Him. Now here's where it gets tricky. Many of us only use our natural minds to see a spiritual project to the finish. We don't rely on Him. We think, if we have the resources, then we can do it. Spirit warrior you must remember, that we serve a Great God. He will direct our path to true greatness that will be beyond what we can think or imagine.
Two of the greatest projects I've done for the Lord, I had to step out in faith and move forward. In the natural, I shouldn't have been able to do either of them. It was a scary time. I didn't have the resources, but I was listening to the Lord as He was directing my path. He was working on my behalf. He was causing people to help me.
Now I'm writing a new book and I purpose to spend time in prayer with Him, He is directing the chapters. I was stuck today and I asked Him what I should write next. I begin praying for someone else, my pastor, and the Lord began to fill my mind with two more chapters of what to write. Now its up to me, to obey and to keep praying. The Great Holy Spirit is directing the path of this book, just like He directed the "Evening of Prayer for Ramona."
In that event, the Lord directed me to call the town of Ramona together. I had to step out from my church, because God was causing the Body of Christ to come together to pray.
Spirit warrior if you want to do Greater things than Jesus, you must go to the Father in prayer and have the Great Holy Spirit direct you path. You will succeed, because it will be the Lord doing the work as you co-labor with Him.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A spirit warrior is formed in the womb.

"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well...And in your book were all written, the days that were ordained for me." (Psalms 139:13,14, 16)
Follow the call of your heart. When you have a good idea for something that seems too big for you, it probably is and its probably not your idea. God has written the plan for your life in a book before you were ever created, so we should take confidence that we are fulfilling His plan for our lives. God has designed you, spirit warrior, for a certain period of life with a specific mission. The vision is to spread God's Kingdom throughout the world. The mission statement is how we do it.
God has made and equipped us to carry out His mission for our lives. He formed us knowing that He constructed us according to His design. In no way does that give excuse for sin. Some people say, I lose my temper because I'm Irish. That's an excuse. God says that a man who is in control of his emotions is greater than he that captures a city. We are responsible for our actions, just because we were born rich or born, tall or short, black or white. None of that matters.
Do you know what matters? How is our relationship with Jesus Christ? Are we seeking Him daily? Are we listening to His voice?
He never leaves us even during our darkest hours and in fact walks through those hours with us, just a breath away.
I'm writing a new book called Operation Blackbeard. It's a modern day pirate novel. I get up early in the morning and God gave me the ideas for the first six chapters, then the next two. He's putting people in my life to tell me about the pirates, about special ops. He's orchastrating the writing of this book and its fun. After meditating on Psalms 139, Saturday, I realized that Operation Blackbeard is already written. All I have to do is draw it out of the spiritual and write it in the natural.
So how do you do that? Prayer. Sitting before Him daily. God then fills me with His thoughts for His book. It's way cool. I'm writing a book that the Lord that has already written. That should help anyone out of writer's cramp.
When God was forming me in the womb, He knew to make me a writer. As an athlete, I was a long distance runner and a wrestler. Those two sports build traits that are perfect for writing. It's tough and it takes a long time to complete a book. Those two sports have prepared me for my writing career.
So fellow spirit warriors, don't be afraid to step out on the water. Peter did and so can you. God is always there with you, so failure is not an option. Even if the world judges our efforts to be failures, we know that God doesn' t make any junk. Keep pressing for the mark, spirit warrior. It might take years, but if you don't give up, you shall finish the race. In all the distant races I ran, I finished them all. They all were tough, but the pain only lasted a short while. Keep pressing in spirit warrior, our lives are like a vapor and the trials that we are experiencing last only a moment. If the Lord is with you, you will succeed!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Watch your words - spirit warrior

"Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it." (James 4:11)
Too often we speak against one another who are members of the Body of Christ, especially our leaders. They're the easiest to take shots at. Am I guilty? Yes, I'm working to control that restless evil that tries to get me to say things against others. We're all guilty of that, but I'll tell you the truth, great warriors discipline their tongue purposing to say good about others.
There is great power in our tongue and we can bring life or death. If we speak to our circumstances and constantly speak life to them, they will change. Jesus said if we say to that mountain be removed and cast into the sea, then it shall happen.
Too often we are shipwrecking our own lives. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for and the substance of things not seen. The outworking of our faith is protrayed in our words. These invisible capsules of power are sent out with a message of life or death.
Jesus spoke and the world was created. We are made in His image and likeness, so our words have power too. Consider that the next time you want to talk ill of a leader, a brother, a family member, or your mate. It's not good, spirit warrior. But now that you know, break the habit. Create a new legacy. Resolve in your mind that everything you say, Jesus would be proud of.  Create a new habit in your life and the more you practice it, the easier it will be.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Prayer - A spirit warrior's source of inspiration

What a glorious time I had in prayer this morning. I didn't feel His anointing. I didn't feel His presence. I woke up early, about 3 AM, to send off my latest book, COLORS OF THE NIGHT to a publisher for consideration for publishing. The review is next week, so I'm right on time. PRAISE THE LORD!
Armed with coffee in my mug, I sat down to read the Word. This morning I was reading in Psalms. As I was meditating on the scriptures, thoughts for chapters in our new novel came into mind. God was ordering my steps.
Oh, how I delighted in those precious moments of His inspiration. He's so good. His lovingkindness is new every morning. I sat there listening to His direction. I debated whether I should get up and write down the outline for the first 6 chapters of the new book, but I didn't want to leave His presence. Now there was no physical manifestation of His presence, but I knew the thoughts that were coming, were from the Lord.
I have 30 days to complete 50 pages of the new book. So I got up and got my notepad. After finishing the notes for 6 chapters, I wanted to read the Word more, but my time was up. It was 4:45 and I had to pack my lunch, shave, brush my teeth, and hurry out the door to go to morning prayer at the Prayer Mountain.
I don't know how people survive in this world without communion with the Lord in prayer. I look back at the really big successes in my life and I see that they were berthed in prayer, that quiet time at His feet. How glorious and yet many Christians miss those moments of divine opportunity. "Behold, I stand at the door of your heart and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." (Revelations 3:20)
"An Evening of Prayer in Ramona" was birthed in prayer. Jesus, the Great Spirit Warrior, went to the mountains and prayed. We as spirit warriors of the Most High God need to be rising early to be at His feet, to dine with Him and He will direct our path. If you really want to do something great, something you know you are not capable of doing and yet it is in your heart - I have this encouragement. Pray at His feet, crucify your body in a  fast and then declare those things to be that are not and watch God move on your behalf for His purpose!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trials - A spirit warrior's way of life.

God isn't through with us as long as we are on this earth. Trials will come our way. God allows them, to build us. Remember as we endure a trial, "We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
We keep getting in the way of God's purpose for our lives by murmurring and complaining about the trial. Often times we misinterpet what God is doing through the trial.
Currently, I'm going through a trial. Some things have happened that aren't right, not fair. Foul, I cry. Someone called me up yesterday to see how I was doing in the face of this injustice. I told them, it's God's will. I didn't engage in conversation with them. I didn't want to defile myself over a matter that is in the hands of the Lord. God is in charge and the sooner we realize that, the more peaceful our lives will be in the midst of a trial. We can abide in the swirling storms of life or we can be in the eye of the tornado. The world around us maybe whirling around with all kinds of troublesome mettlers, but we can choice to be in the peaceful center of the storm, with Jesus. It's that simple. Unfortunately, it's not that simple to walk that way. It takes practice.
This life isn't easy. Jesus didn't say that it would be. So what's the point of all these trials?
"We exalt in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverence; and perseverance, proven character." (Romans 5:3-4)
Proven character is what God is after in us. This injustice that I'm going through, is really nothing. Oh, it doesn't feel good, but I know that I know that God is opening doors for me that no one can shut. He wants me to walk through this trial so that I can have proven character. Don't ever think that during a tough time, He has abandoned us. It may feel that way, but don't trust your feelings - trust the Word of God. He is with us always even to the end of our days.
Yesterday I walked away from a conversation that could have defiled me, but I chose not to engage and told of God's will for my life. Never mind those around us. What do you expect from imperfect beings who think differently than you? We live in an imperfect world, with imperfect people. There was only one Jesus and He made a lot of people angry by His perfect lifestyle. That's our goal. Utter no complaint, but move on. Look to the good in ourselves and others and believe that God is working everything out in our lives for His purpose. God bless you, spirit warrior, as you endure the trial you're going through. It is for His purpose and for His glory!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Words - weapons of a spirit warrior

We will be judged for every idle word we utter. What's the big deal? Why is that so important.
Our words are mighty weapons we employ in our fight against the forces of evil. Demons shudder when a Christian who knows who he is in Christ Jesus and the authority that Jesus gave the church begins to proclaim things in his life in prayer.
One day my children's book, "Enoch the Elephant," was picked up by a lady at a trade show in Long Beach. She loved the artwork and the title, but when she saw the name of Jesus, she ran off.
His name, the name of Jesus has great power and supreme authority. Satan knows that. Calling those things that don't exist into existance is an example of our faith in Him. Sometimes people will proclaim something and immediately release power through their words to defeat the very thing they prayed for. They may pray for something and then turn around and say, "That won't work." Guess what? It won't. They just canceled their prayer.They've just empowered the forces of evil to steal their blessing. I know. I've been guilty of that. It's hard to fight the flesh, but it is a discipline. The more we keep our words positive, the easier it gets. It becomes a habit. Unfortunately, it can also become a bad habit, if we reinforce the negative.
On the flip side, plan to use your proclamations in your prayer life invoking the Name of Jesus and watch the results. Proclaim health over your body, over your family, over your check book. Proclaim peace and happiness in your home. Proclaim the Kingdom to come in your life and the lives of those around you. That's how spirit warriors fight using
I will tell you that the first time you begin to use this strategy, the devil will come with a trial. He doesn't want you to succeed. He's come to steal your peace, your prosperity, and your joy. If he can do that, he has neutilized your witness. "They make their tongue a stumbling for themselves." (Psalms 64:8)
Our choice of words determines our future. After uttering our words, then our faith sustains us through the trials until that which we proclaimed in prayer, in the Name of Jesus comes to pass.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spirit Warrior - Your life doesn't consist of possessions

"Then He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of possessions." (Luke 12:15)
In many parts of the world today, possessions are a status symbol. According to society, they define us. But that's in contradiction to the Word of God. If God has blessed us with abundance, then it's for His purpose. God has a purpose when He causes someone to receive wealth. Now you may think, "I work hard. I've made smart investments. I watch every penny." I wouldn't disagree with you, but I might add. If catashrophe strikes our lives, our life savings could be wiped out in the twinkling of a eye. Look what Katrina did to New Orleans.
I have a good friend who worked hard all his life and built wealth through shrewd investments. His wife got ill and eventually died. He used all his money to save her life hoping medical treatments would cure her. After a year she died. Now he's broke. The economy had taken a downturn and he can't sell his second house. His possessions are possessing him and there is nothing he can do, short of praying and asking God for His deliverance.
If we trust in the things or the world's financial systems, we will lose. But if we put our trust in the Lord and tithe and give offering, we are using a heavenly banking system that never crashes. God knows what we need. Sometimes we don't. We ask for things we desire, all along missing out on the Giver.
When we die, we don't take our possessions with us. They stay here and are divided up among our relatives. When we give to the poor, we lend to the Lord and He will repay. God systems is not dependent on the world He created. It is depended on our coming to Him with our financial needs.
The only time in the Bible when we are allowed to test the Lord is with our tithe. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will open for you the windows of heaven and poor out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in field cast its grapes."
Spirit warrior, I've heard many say that the tithe is no longer required. Those are people that don't trust the Lord with their possessions. God is not stingy. When you give, He returns it to you tenfold. Don't be fooled by the get rich quick schemes. God builds wealth slowly. It is a process. Relax and trust in HIM!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Endurance - the perfecting of a Spirit Warrior

These last few months have been very challenging to me in many ways and yet I see the Lord's hand at work in my life. "Count it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials for the testing of your faith builds endurance." (James 1:2,3)
Why is that so important? Why does God need to test us? Can't we live our lives in peace and then go on to be with Him in eternity? For one thing, you'll never be more alive when your doing something to preach His kingdom. Forces of evil immediately rise up against you and God uses them to build His character in us. Why? Because He is building us for greater works. Jesus suffered greatly and we are to do greater things than the Master, so we will suffer. The longer we suffer, the longer we endure, the deeper the foundation Jesus is building in us.
Sin wastes valuable and irreplacable time in a spirit warrior's life. If we are dabbling in the temptations of this world, the devil has pulled us off God's path. Any diversion that he can facilitate in our lives, takes us the purpose of our lives. Sin is pleasurable for a season, so its a tough battle. But by reading the Word, prayer, and fasting we can build the strength in our armor to withstand temptations of greed, lust, depression, oppression, anger, and desire for worldly things.
Why is this important? Because we're going through the fires in this lifetime, especially if we are out spreading the message of His kingdom. The more we are focussed on the kingdom and not the world, the easier it will be to spot the attack of the devil. When we live a compromised life, the devil can slip in and began to throttle our witness. If he can prove we are hypocrites, he has compromised the King's message.
But great is the Lord. He walked this earth as a man and He understands. That's why I love Him! He knows me. He understands me. He never leaves me, so get up spirit warrior. "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of the Lord leads you to repentence?" (Romans 2:4) 
That scripture, one of my favorites, leads me back to Him when I've gotten off track. When I get back up, He is there giving me a helping hand and encouraging me to go on. All is forgiven. He's already paid the price on Calvary, spirit warrior. We need more of Christ's kindness in dealing with our fellow man, more forgivness, more patience. Too often, I see leaders beating down the people for their own agenda and not serving like Jesus. He washed the feet of His followers. He humbled Himself and came down from heaven. He was more concerned for people, than agendas.
Control your emotions, spirit warrior, the world needs love, God's love flowing through us. We are to lead like Jesus, through kindness. That's why we turn the other cheek and bless those who persecute us. Our lives are but a vapor. What are you doing to spread the kindness of the Lord to others?
What will your life stand for? What will be your legacy? Will it be kindness? Will it be servanthood? Think about your life's answers to the the above questions, oh mighty spirit warrior and think of others first!

Monday, September 27, 2010

God's watches our Faithfulness - A spirit warrior's reward.

I was so surprised this past Friday night while attending the San Diego Christian Writer's Guild annual conference. I really believe in the poet of our Writing Critique Group - Barbara McBride. Her poems are so deep, so warm and truthful. They make you pause and think. How incredible. So my wife and I paid for her to enter her poems in the annual contest. Barbara and I drove to the event, socialized and waited for them to call her name.
I had entered for my book, "SELF-PUBLISHING AND MARKETING FROM THE TRENCHES," but I didn't think it stood a chance. It was a non-fiction book that explains the process of self-publishing and has some of my testimony in it. So for a Christian writers conference, I didn't think it was worthy of an award. Don't get me wrong, its well written, but I didn't think it was a match for this conference.
So Barbara and I sat down with Byron Mettler and her wife and waited for Barbara's award. After a prayer and the opening remarks, they got to the awards.
When they called my name first, I almost fell out of my chair. I never thought I stood any chance of winning anything, but they gave me a Certificate of Merit for excellence in writing for Self-Publishing and Marketing from the Trenches. Then they called Byron Mettler's name out for his award for "OUT OF DARKNESS." Two of us from Ramona had won awards.
I look back and I see the hand of God in all this. I helped another writer be able compete and I believe God honored that. Unfortunately Barbara didn't win because they're weren't any other entrants in the poetic category.
Next year, her book of poetry will qualify in the non-fiction category and I know she will win. Her poems are that good.
As spirit warriors we have to keep on fighting for others and let God reward us in His time. More and more I see the hand of God operate when we lift our hands for others. It's His way, His nature. As spirit warriors we have to quietly help others and God will reward us openly.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Listening to The Holy Spirit - A must for continued success as a Spirit Warrior

When Jesus went up to the mountains to pray, the Holy Spirit showed Him the Father's plans. Now some of the plans He will show us, seem very tough. We wrestle with them, but obedience is the hightest form of praise. It's better than sacrifice. The Evening of Prayer for Ramona was shown to me while I was praying to the Lord. The Holy Spirit showed me that I was to call the town of Ramona together to pray.
I wrestled with that. I knew I had to see my pastor and explain how I was to go into the community, leaving my church behind, if this event was going to cut across church demoninations and appeal to the hearts of all believers in Christ Jesus. That was tough. Because of pastor's schedule, I had to wait 3 1/2 weeks to explain the vision. It gave the devil plenty of time to sow doubt in my mind.
But I know the voice of the Holy Spirit and I was going forward. My pastor gave the blessing and I proceeded forward. A church wanted me to come and speak, but I had to be in my church on Sunday. Again, conflict, but the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, "Don't worry about it." So I did not accept the invitation to explain the vision. Guess what. The Evening of Prayer was a huge success.
We muct follow the Holy Spirit's guidance to be successful. Sometimes that's not easy. Sometimes we disagree, but He will steer us clear of pitfalls and traps that the devil is setting up for us. Without the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we won't achieve all that God has for us. God is going to send us on paths that are illogical. Too often our logical minds get in the way, but if we are faithful to Him, He will guide us.
Sometimes what God wants us to do, stretches us and we don't understand it, but I can assure you that in the end, we will be better because of His leading. It's not without pain at times, but it is in the furnace that God will refine us.
Everyday we should ask for the Holy Spirit's direction and be obedient to carry out His commands. Do I always succeed? No. I fail. I sin. I miss the mark, but it is the lovingkindness of the Holy Spirit that brings me to repentence and then He lifts me up and says, "Go on son. You can do it. All is forgiven."
I sure wish more people were like the Holy Spirit. Most of the time if we fail, that's it we're fired. If we differ with them, we are cast out of their lives. But that's not how God operates. He doesn't mind if we wrestle with Him. Jacob wrestled all night long. God wasn't angry. In fact I think God appreciates it. Many leaders want their will obeyed. They don't want to hear someone else's advice and yet the Bible says, "In the council of many, is wisdom and safety."
Spirit Warriors take time to listen to the Holy Spirit. He can speak to your heart, through the Bible, through others, even through non believers. He wants to guide your path and only He will make you truly successful.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Injustice - a spirit warrior's trial.

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in His steps, who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; and while being reviled, He did not revile in return, while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed."
(1 Peter 2:21-24)
How faithful the Lord is to us. He knew I needed to read and meditate on this scripture and so He directed me to it early this morning. Why?  Because I'm moving forward for Christ. In that moving forward and doing His will, we will be persecuted and mistreated. But this is a test, oh mighty spirit warrior! We are going to be tested in our love for others even though they use and abuse us. Remember, the devil attacks from within. They always hurt the most.
But look at Jesus. He did no wrong. He never sinned. He went about healing the sick and feeding the people. Yet the very people who worshipped Him as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, a week later beat Him beyond recognition. How horrific! Yet He uttered no threats, but kept His eyes fixed on the eternal promise for us. He held onto the Father's plan for His children.
As spirit warriors, our lives will mirror Jesus, but many of us don't realize that if we are really walking with the Lord and doing all we can to expand the kingdom, we will suffer great persecution. I see it more and more in my life as I do what He has directed me to do. "Count it all joy, my brethern, when you encounter various trails, for the testing of your faith builds endurance and let endurance have its perfect reward, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4)
As we move forward in the love of God, being God's servant, our reward for doing good, might be the same they gave Jesus - cruicifixion of the flesh - our flesh. We will be mistreated, abused, and shunned. Keep in mind, we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. All of that happened to Him and then He was crucified. Many think this Christian walk is filled with roses and prosperity. That's not always true. Many times God must take us through the hot fire so that we can understand His true nature. Remember we are just passing through this world and then we will be with the master. So rejoice and be glad when you suffer persecution knowing that great is your reward in heaven. The reward doesn't always manifest here on earth. A spirit warrior has his mind set on eternity, not this world. Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, but don't be dismayed. God is the eternal judge and He may just be working something out in us.
Stay the course, mighty spirit warrior, the eternal reward is truly great!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fight till the 11th hour and keep fighting!

Did you ever wonder why the Lord shows up on His timetable and not hours? Sometimes it seems that we are fighting the good fight day after day, but not getting anywhere. We cry out to God, but nothing changes. We keep fasting and praying, but our world doesn't seem to change or doesn't change fast enough.
At 50 years old, I began to train as a Body Builder. In order to be competitive you have to work really hard. In some cases you have to fast to get your body fat content down and still maintain a 2 hour workout. That's really tough. It's grueling. The pain is totally intense. I've also run competitive cross country in high school and college. That is another sport where you have to overcome the pain barrier. In college some of the taller and more talented runners quit. The pain was too great. They couldn't take it. In body building to develop the rips and cuts in your muscles, you have to train relentlessly and push yourself beyond what your body thinks it can handle. You have to smash the pain barrier. You have to angry with it. You have to attack.
I see the same sequence of events for a warrior of the spirit. God is shaping and testing us as we go through the trials. If we fail, God is faithful and guess what? We repeat the trial, until we get the victory, but we have to attack in the spirit realm. We need to pray and fast to overcome our flesh and enemy.
Through all the storms of life, at home, in the church, on the job, the extended family, you will be tried and it seems unbearable at times, but that's where God really gets our attention. He wants us to totally rely on Him and if we do, He will reward us. "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)
I thought about that on the way to work today. If I was rich and had everything, would I so desperately seek Him? And in my seeking Him, He rewards me. He knows what I need and what I want, but He rewards me as I need. I look back at the "Evening of Prayer in Ramona" and I know He rewarded me with my needs. The event was a success, but I couldn't do all that I wanted to promote it. He knew that. So He intervened. He carried the load for me. That wasn't important to Him, what was important, is that I was obedient to follow His Spirit and do all that He wanted me to do.
That's our continuing quest as a spirit warrior. To seek His face daily and ask Him what He wants us to do with our lives. We forget that He's right by our side, but still we have to step out to promote His kingdom. We are co-laborers with Him. What an awesome thing that is.
Don't be depressed when stress piles up in your life. Turn to Jesus. He's building you into His spirit warrior. He's in the fire with us and knows exactly how much we can take. He never leaves us. He loves us more than we could know. He's proud of us. He forgives us. He lifts us up and encourages us to go continue on the life's trail.
When the pressure builds - Seek Jesus. He's the answer to any of your questions and He's building you for all eternity.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Forgiveness - the ultimate act of a Spirit Warrior

Forgiveness isn't easy. In fact without Jesus, it's nearly impossible. I marvel at the ultimate model the Great Spirit Warrior left for us. After being beaten beyond recognition, without uttering a word of complaint, a crown of thrones imbeded in His skull, betrayed by His apostles, whipped 39 times and then He had to carry His cross to Calvary. What was His response? How did He view those who crucified Him? What was His response to the crucifiction of His body, with unbearable pain?
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)
Could you have done that? Could you have endured the cross and then asked God to forgive your attackers? I don't think I could have. Its tough enough for me to forgive my family when they do something that costs me greatly.
Jesus was magnificient in His battle against the enemy. He knew the attack came from the devil and not the people. Do we recognize where our battles are birthed? Are we aware that our flesh wants to be justified, avenged, especially when we mistreated and without sin?
Our greatest trials won't come from the world, but from our immediate family and loved ones. The strange part of forgiveness is that while we are imprisoned in unforgiveness, they who did us wrong are free. Most times they don't even know what they've done or don't care. It doesn't affect them. In the meantime, our lives are shackled in the heavy chains of unforgiveness.
I can remember a time when I went to my wife's best friend's new house. I wasn't overly impressed and didn't offer any comment. I just sat there quietly. But this lady was deeply offended. I didn't know it until she called my wife and told her. I hadn't sinned and yet I had offended her.
So what do you do in a situation like that? I literally did nothing and yet I offended her. So what did I do? Did I call her up and explain to her, that I just didn't like her house. Isn't that my right? Don't I have a right to like some things and not others. After all I didn't say anything. I was just quiet. Do you know what a real spirit warrior is concerned about. It isn't themselves. Although in great pain and anguish, Jesus didn't call down a legion of angels and wipe out His enemies. No, He called to the Father to ask for their forgiveness.
What did I do? I called her up and asked her to forgive me for offending her. I bowed down to her feelings and sincerely apologized, because there are greater things at stake in this life than my feelings, than my flesh, than in proving that I have rights. As a spirit warrior for Christ, we are bondservants to Him. Servants to others so that the Kingdom of God can be seen in our lives. It's not easy, but the walk of a spirit warrior is most rewarding. Look at Jesus, for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross and many will enter into eternal joy because of His selfless act. He had no sin. Don't think for a moment that we won't be tested in this area of forgiveness even though we haven't sinned.
God further said, when you stand praying and present your gift before the King, go and make amends with anyone who has ought against you. Do we realize that if we don't forgive our prayers are like a clanging gong in heaven? Bitterness can enter our lives and sometimes our bodies pay the toll in full. Forgiveness is never easy, but with Jesus all things are possible. Walk in forgivness and you will be modeling the Great Spirit Warrior - Jesus Christ.
God is calling His spirit warriors to walk in forgiveness

Monday, September 20, 2010


Nothing feels better than returning home and sitting in my chair with my light and my Bible. I was in Virginia at a conference last week. I couldn't get comfortable, the light wasn't good, but I still managed to read my Bible. At the engineering conference, I noticed the passion that some of the representatives had for their job. I thought about that and looked deep inside me. My passion is the Lord, the Bible, praying, and writing.
When I finish reading the Bible and and praying then do some writing or blogging, I feel content. I feel satisfied that I am doing what I was created to do. I realized that when I listened to the speakers. They have passion for their work. Now don't get me wrong, I give my best at my job, but my deeper interest is the Lord.
My new book coming out soon, "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" is a story that encourages Spirit Warriors to go deeper into the spiritual truths of the Bible. "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" is a quick and adventuresome read, but teaches deeper weapons of our warfare. We all are called to be Spirit Warriors for Christ - our Commander and Chief. Always remember the battle is the Lord's, but we have a part to play in it. When I stepped forward to host "An Evening of Prayer for Ramona" I had to do just that - step forward. To walk out on the water keeping my eyes focussed on Jesus. The night of prayer was a resounding success, because the Holy Spirit was the One doing the work. I was just following in His footsteps.
I had some excitement going on this trip and as I do one last edit of "COLORS OF THE NIGHT" God has already placed in my heart, the next book. I was excited about working on it and I look forward to its completion.
What is your passion? What makes you feel good and will last eternity? If you don't know what it is, find it. Ask God to reveal your purpose. Once you know your purpose and begin walking boldly in it, you will live a very satisfied life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Spirit Warrior's Weapons are not carnal.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses." (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
Many times satan comes at us in our minds. Either he will work through other people or just bring temptations to us using anything available. Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ is one of our weapons. When satan comes with an impure thought to our minds, we must bind it up and cast it from us. Now you may say, sure, I've tried that. But if we truly believe we are in this war and Jesus Christ has paid for the victory on Calvary, then we too have the victory and we must walk in that victory. Then begin to think on something good and of excellent report. Remember all the blessings that God has given us. I know. I use this all the time, when the devil or his demons come against me. I'm also getting better with the testimony of my life. I don't confess my failures, but proclaim my victories in Christ. I call those things into existance that are not seen.
One day my wife was very upset with me. We were working on the preparations for "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona," and satan attacked her. She was angry about something. I tried to explain to her what was happening, but she was bound up in her anger. I took authority over satan, but nothing happened. Then I remembered Psalms 149: 5 "Let the godly ones exult in glory; Let them sing for joy on their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two edged sword in their hand, to execute vengence on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, to execute on them the judgment written; this is an honor for all His godly ones, Praise the Lord."
Gently and quietly, I did just that. It was amazing. My wife instantly became calm. She began to realize what was happening. The enemy never wants to hear the praises of God. He wanted those praises for himself. Those praises also have power to bind him and they did. My wife was set free from the attack of the enemy against her mind by praises unto the most High God. That's why satan doesn't want you to go to church. He doesn't want to get you around others who are praising God. There is great power in corporate praise of the Almighty. God's Word says He will inhabit the praises of His people.
What a powerful weapon! What a testimony of our right standing in Him.
That day I witnessed a powerful miracle of God. My wife began to laugh and has never forgotten that day.
As a warrior of the Most High God, we have must use His weapons in this battle.
I'm finishing a new book called, COLORS OF THE NIGHT. It is an action packed novel. The main character uses the weapons of God's arsenal against the enemy. These weapons are mighty, divinely powerful for the destruction of the enemy's fortresses. Often we will be surrounded by the enemy, but if we know who we are in Christ and the weapons we have available, we will be victorious. Don't lose heart in the heat of the battle. Jesus Christ has already won the war. We are seated with Him in heavenly places and all rulers and principalities are under His feet. So use the weapons we have - the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God to fight the good fight of faith in the spirit realm. It's real and it works!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Spirit Warrior's fight after the victory

Don't be decieved. Satan never rests. After each move of the Holy Spirit, satan will come again. Thanks to the Holy Spirit and His power, "An Evening of Prayer" was a huge success. But that day the attack came at me and continued for the next couple of days. But God is faithful. His mercy and grace are new every morning and it took a few days for me to get back on my white steed to ride and fight another battle.
The battle is not to the swift or the strong, but to those who persevere. Now through the attack, we are to respond with love. That's hard. Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount, to love those who persecute you. Get ready for that because often times the attack comes from your own camp, your own church, or your own family. Satan will use anyway to find a point of attack. He is not to be underestimated. He will use anyone to get under your skin, to challenge you, to upset you, so be prepared. After our prayer event, I understand this even further. Strangely enough the attacks came from within the camp, not the world outside, but that's his mode of operation. He attacks through the people that love us.
Do you know what I love about the Lord? His lovingkindness. He doesn't get down on us. In life we will take abuse from many people, but God doesn't abuse, He encourages us. The Holy Spirit has a way of convicting us of our wrongs in love. It's that love that draws me to Him and away from the temptation. It's that love that inspires us. Oh, how I wish the Body of Christ would get this. We would be so powerful if we did. It takes a mature spirit to turn the other cheek. Too often people want to demand and control us, but true leadership comes out of love. Be that loving guide to all those around you, but be prepared. Jesus went to the cross for those that loved Him. They didn't know that satan was using them, but He did. He walked in that. We are to follow in His footsteps and walk in love, so that others can feel His mercy and grace operating through our lives. This is not an easy assignment. This is a Spirit Warrior assignment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"An Evening of Prayer"

I want to thank everyone who came out to pray for the Youth of Ramona and this Nation with us on Sept. 4th in Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, Ca. It was a huge success. I've received a number of phone calls and emails about how blessed it was. May God receive the praise and honor for the success of His event. It was the Holy Spirit who told me to set this up 7 months ago. I wrestled with Him in February. I wrestled with Him when He told me to go to the Ramona Fair with flyers two days before the fair, but it was all His plan. I wrestled with Him when He told me to get candles. We serve a mighty God. Everything He told me to do, worked with His excellence. It wasn't me, it was Him. He's very concerned with this next generation of youth. They will be the endtime harvesters before Jesus comes again.
The music by Jason Winters and his band was awesome! He's signed up for the National Day of Prayer in May of next year.
Jonathan Rizzo's testimony about going up to heaven and meeting Jesus was quite inspiring. The men who led the prayers all night, Pablo, Mike, Jim, Phil, Jesus, Gene, Mick, and Skip our MC were anointed and all of them brought something unique from their hearts. Special thanks to Al, Scot, and Lonny and the men and women from In His Steps.
Sunday I was exhausted. I had several challenges put before me, but the Lord has brought me through them. As long as I stay focussed on Him, I will stay above water, no matter what is happening around me. That's what warriors do in battle. They stay focussed. They keep pressing toward the mark during the heat of battle, following the high Calling of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Spirit Warriors Unite!

Tomorrow is a huge day for the Kingdom of God, for all Ramona. Tomorrow the Body of Christ is going to gather together in Ramona Oaks Park under the trees to pray for the Youth of Ramona and this Nation. I hope all believers in Jesus Christ come to the park with their swords dusted off.
This morning I was called early by Jesus Hernandez to come to the park and pray. We did. Later in the morning, Al and John took me to the park and we anointed it with oil. Tonight I'm meeting others at Main Street Church in Ramona to pray for tomorrow.
The Holy Spirit is leading this Evening of Prayer and I expect to see mighty things happen. I expect the glory of God to fill the park. I expect the Lord Jesus to meet us there and heal the sick and mend the broken hearted. I expect the angels of God to be in attendance. "Aren't they all ministering spirits sent to serve the heirs of salvation."(Hebrews 1:14)
It will be a glorious time for the Body of Christ and I hope you will be in attendance.
It's time to retake the land and tomorrow Christ, The Commander and Chief of the Army of the Lord, will lead a charge that will push back the forces of darkness and set the captives free. But we have a part. We are coming together as a Body. Never mind what church you go to. Keep going. Never mind the denomination. It's not about division, its about Unity in the Body of Christ like never before. When we come together as the Body of Christ, we will see the heavens open, the earth move and shake like never before here in Ramona. I hope to see you tomorrow - Coach Pete

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The life of a Spirit Warrior can be tough!

This Saturday - Sept. 4th from 6-9PM at Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, Ca. my wife and I will be hosting "Ramona's Evening of Prayer" and the Body of Christ is invited. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, come! We'll be praying for our youth and for this nation. Now more than ever we need to keep our youth in prayer. Satan is after this generation because they are going to be the end time harvestors and the harvest around the world is great, but for the heavens to be opened and the Holy Spirit to descend on all of us, we have to pray!
As we move forward in this realm of prayer and fasting, satan is going to fight back. He's going to try and throw everything at us, but we have to do everything to stand and having done everything to stand, therefore stand firm. (Ephesian 6:13)
Sometimes me lose our focus. We begin to focus on the circumstances, like Peter did when he walked on the water toward Jesus. He took His eyes off Jesus and began to sink. I realize that's easier said than done, but if we begin sinking, just repent and know that Jesus is right there every step of the way. Kindly, He will restore us.
That's what I truly love about Jesus Christ, it's His kindness. It's the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentence, but I also know that the kindness of the Lord leads me to restoration. He is so loving. He is so good. His lovingkindness is so unique - without any conditions. That's why I serve Him.
Unlike many of us. We tend to put love on a conditional level. Not Jesus. His love is so rich! 
The circumstances of life can be challenging, but remember - they give us a direction to pray, but greater is He who is within us. Circumstances in our life will present challenges, but look at the martyrs who give it all. That's why we need to take our eyes off of ourselves - off our circumstances and firmly on the Author and Finisher, the Perfector of our faith - Jesus!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Warriors of the Spirit - Fight from their knees!

"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone."
The ultimate Spirit Warrior prayed often and by Himself. His relationship with the Father was tight. Jesus went to Him to pray and to receive instructions from the Father. He said, "I only do what the Father shows me." That should be our model as well. The Holy Spirit will speak to our hearts and guide us along, but we've got to make the effort to come before Him. Our lives will be so much more productive, if we are receiving the instructions from the One who ordered our lives before the foundation of the universe.
Several times in my life, I've either missed the leading of the Holy Spirit, or I didn't obey. We miss God's perfect will when we do that. Our efforts will only achieve a certain level, but with God's direction and our obedience to Him, only He knows what heights we can attain.
Prayer - God's communication with us is so important, but often times we've made it a one way street. We come before Him and then tell Him what we need or want. Instead we should be coming before Him and asking Him what He wants and what He needs from our lives. Now, please don't let the devil overrun you with guilt. We're all guilty. We've all missed the mark one time or another, but we can improve. We can improve our serve, by spending more time in prayer. It's the only way and yet most in the Body of Christ spend very little time in prayer. You don't believe me? Call a prayer meeting and see how many people show up.
Life gets in the way, the house, the wife, the husband, the kids, the job, football, sports. I know. I'm guilty, but I'm turning the corner and living a life that requires more time in prayer. Our weapons of warfare are mighty, but some of us have dust on our swords. Spiritual battles are fought in prayer closets, from your knees, or wherever you're comfortable praying. Jesus went up into the mountains. I like walking along a wooden trail near my house. It's my secret prayer grotto. George Finney, the great revivalist, walked in the apple orchards in New England.
I hope you consider praying more. Determine to chooseto spend more time in God's presence. You will become more like Him when you do and you will see things change in your lives.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Servant Warriors

"Whoever would be first among you, shall be your servant." (Matthew 20:27)
Jesus served His entire life, punctuating a lifetime of service by receiving a horrific beating and crucifixion by the very people He came to save. A servant doesn't take into a wrong suffered. A servant looks to good in others and doesn't dwell on the imperfections. Look at Jesus again. All the apostles abandoned Him at the cross, but the Great Servant didn't abandon them. He continued up Calvary to the end.
How many times have you served someone else, only to be abandoned during your time of need?
Last night Mike Mulligan came to my house after work and gave two hours of his expertise to help me. I needed help from Skip Banach for the "Evening of Prayer" and he readily gave it. I needed help from my son, Terance and readily he gave it. My wife, Adelaide, woke up just after midnight and began praying for "An Evening of Prayer." She's also fasting this week.
Peter Marshall wrote, "The measure of life is not in its duration, but its donation."
All the people above are servants of the Most High God. They are pushing back the darkness in their lives and in the lives of others, but their selfless acts of service. Warriors of the spirit, must first be willing to serve one another. No greater love has this, that a man lay down his life for another, over and over and over. Too often we think of the war movie where the man jumps on a hand grendade to save his squad and that's commendable. But think of the walk of love, when we turn the other cheek 7 times 70 each day. That's a true warrior of the spirit. And its not easy. My hope is that this column and my life inspires people to serve one another, just as Christ served us every day of His life and then carried His cross to Golgotha. That's the true definition of a Spirit Warrior.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Endurance of a Warrior

"Count it joy my brethern when you encounter various trials for the testing of your faith builds endurance, and let endurance have its perfect reward, so that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4 NAS)
I'm getting a real dose of trials this week. The devil is throwing everything at me now that we're hosting "An Evening of Prayer for Ramona." on Saturday, Sept. 4th. I thought about trials this weekend and why we have to go through them. But before I started wondering about them, I considered the trials of other people. People in Afganistan who are being marytered for their faith. People in Israel who are being bombed in their homes without notice. Children in Africa who see their parents raped and killed before their very eyes. Horrific by simple comparison. I look at my trials and they pale in comparison. I am blessed and must rely on the Lord to see me through, but I don't have it that tough. Others have it much tougher. I need to take my eyes off myself and look at others and then consider, what are am I doing to help them?
After you examine some of the conditions that people around the globe are subject to, then you can look at your trials and consider what God is doing to you through them.
He's building His endtime army and He wants us holy and pure. He's getting the dross out of us. Examine your heart. Confess your sin and lift up your eyes. It's not about you, its about His kingdom. Shadrach, Mechach and Abindago didn't know if God would deliver them. They saw the soldiers die as they were thrown into the fire. The book of Hebrews tells of many who didn't see the promises. Again, keep your eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm. He will deliver you. He won't leave you. He'll be in the midst of the fire with His Purpose and His blessing for you. Hang on with all you've got. Endure the storms of life and when you come out of them, you'll be a better person, able to serve the Lord and others with a greater sense of humility. Endure the trials so that you can be perfect and complete lacking in nothing!

Friday, August 27, 2010


SPIRIT WARRIORS - ARISE! We need to take back the land. Some of the church has fallen asleep in their times of prayer and fasting. The Body of Christ - the Spirit Warriors of today - need to arise and enter into battle. Sometimes that means we won't get a full night's sleep. That's okay. God will see us through the day. We are the tabernacles of God, so when we pray, things happen in the spirit realm. We are co-laborers with Christ. Part of our co-laboring is praying and fasting. I can't say enough at how powerful the two are. During World War II, Hitler was making all the right moves. He ran over Europe and was planning to attack England. The King of England declared a time of prayer and fasting. Hitler reconsidered his move against England and instead turned his armies toward Russia.
In the 1500's the greatest navy in the world, the Spanish Armada, set sail from Spain intent on attacking England. The King declared a time of fasting and praying. A huge storm developed out at sea and the fleet was destroyed. They never reached England.
We are in the midst of a huge storm as Jesus gets ready to return. We need to be fasting and praying for our nation and especially our youth. Our prayers enable God to move in the realm of the spirit. He stands waiting to hear our prayers and to move forward. We need to take authority over satan and the armies of darkness in the Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and with the blood of Jesus.
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We were created in the image and likeness of God and God spoke things into existance, so our spoken prayers have great power. Don't ever doubt that. Satan would want you to think that you are insignificant, powerless, but we're not. We have the Kingdom of God within us, if Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
Let's move forward in the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim healing into our land. Don't forget next Saturday, Sept. 4th we're having an "Evening of Prayer for Ramona" at Ramona Oaks Park in California. My hope is that Body of Christ turns out and joins together to set the captives free.
God bless you - Coach Pete

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Life's A Quest - not a Journey

What's life all about? Why do we face difficult trials, insurmoutable odds, financial struggles, and oh by the way temptations? Hey, life can be tough sometimes. I do my best to walk in the footprints of Jesus, but I find myself woefully inadequate. I find myself failing, missing the mark, and sinning. Only one man has walked the perfect walk - Jesus.
I always find it amazing how they beat and crucified the only person who walked this life doing good to all, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and walking in a deep love for His fellow man. He did so much for us, that for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. Amazing love! Truly amazing.
So what is this quest all about? It will determine where we will spend eternity. Will we spend it with the giver of life, the lover of our souls or will we be cast into the Lake of Fire that was created for satan and the fallen angels.
Some people don't want to hear about the Lake of Fire. They want a self-serving, self-centered life with little difficulties. The Bible tells us differently. We are to serve our fellow man, submit to them, and then turn the other cheek when wrong us. That's a tall order. That Sermon on the Mount isn't easy. It takes a selfless person to live that lifestyle 24/7. But that's what Jesus did. That's why He went up into the mountains to pray at night. He needed the Almighty's strength to walk the talk.
Often I miss the mark. Temptation ensnares me, but praise God, He is faithful. He is full of mercy. He picks me up each morning and fills me with His joy. Sometimes my life is a shambles, but God restores my soul. His mercies are new every morning, new every morning - Great is His faithfulness.
What brings me back to Him? It's His kindness. He loves you and me. This God we serve can't help it. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for my sins. Do you want to live this life to the fullness - practice kindness to your family, your friends, and your enemies. Then your journey through life will become a quest and you will be changed for all eternity! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Authority of the Believer

God is building His end time army. Jesus gave us all power and authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing of the enemy shall injure us. (Luke 10:19) The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in Christ Jesus. I'm a wrestling coach, so I know about physical battles, but this war is in the spirit realm where physical weapons are meaningless.
"An Evening of Prayer for Ramona" calls for us to dust off our swords and enter the spiritual battleground against the forces of darkness. Jesus paid the price on Calvary 2,000 years ago, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He defeated satan and now we are to walk in His victory over the devil. We do that when we pray. As the Body of Christ we have great power. If we truly believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and the Bible is the Word of God, then we can move forward as a united front to reclaim the youth of Ramona and this nation. This younger generation faces wickedness like we've never seen before. They will be lost, if we don't do something. That something is prayer, collective prayer by the Body of Christ. We have to reclaim this country - this land, just like Joshua did when he went into the Promisied Land.
"Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or our adversaries." (Joshua 5:13-14)
Don't you love Joshua. He was ready for battle that very moment. He was ready to fight. That's the way we need to be, but our battle is on our knees. Our weapon of choice is the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God.
Look at the reply to Joshua, "He said, 'No; rather I indeed come now as the Captain of the Host of the Lord."
When we enter the war zone, the Lord is inside of us and He's leading the charge. Jesus always led from the front. He wasn't in the rear guard, but right on the front lines offering His Body and Blood for the victory. Because He was victorious, we can walk in that victory. Look at Revelations 19, "He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is called the Word of God. And armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that He will strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron, and He will press of the fierce wrath of God."
God is very angry with the devil. He loves His children very much and doesn't want them to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. He desperately wants His army to mobilize and fight back with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. He wants us to come together and pray for the youth of Ramona and this nation. On Sept. 4th at 6PM I invite you to come out to Ramona Oaks Park in Ramona, Ca. If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, we need you! Our Youth and our Nation need your prayers. We have the authority and the victory over satan in Christ Jesus and on Sept 4th we will push back the forces of darkness and reclaim our youth and our nation!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Evening of Prayer in Ramona

I would like to invite all believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to attend "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona, CA." As the Body of Christ we need to humble ourselves and come together to pray for our Youth and for this Nation. Now more than ever we need to be standing in the gap for the unsaved. Jesus Christ isn't coming again.
Whoa, what was that? No, Jesus Christ is ON THE WAY. We are in the last days and satan knows that. He hates all of those created in the Image and Likeness of God. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy, especially the youth of today. He wants them all to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
We've got to come against that! We've been called in this hour to fast and pray. That's right - FAST!
The Army of the Lord Most High, needs to rise up! RISE UP SAINTS OF GOD! We can change the ETERNAL fate of many, if we are willing to give of our time in prayer and to fast. Fasting breaks the yoke. The first time I fasted 21 days on water, while still working. God broke through on 3 major issues in my life.
Jesus Christ has already paid the price on Calvary! It's out job to go out and save the lost. It's my belief, that there are plenty of great churches and great pastors, but we don't have enough prayer warriors. People who are willing to walk in holiness and set their lives aside for a few moments or a few hours each day and pray for the lost.
I invite you again, to "An Evening of Prayer in Ramona, Ca." Please come.